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[00:04] WetWired: hello?
[00:10] KagomJack: woot
[00:10] KagomJack: Looks fixed, WW
[00:10] KagomJack: the Chatbox, that is
[00:11] WetWired: There's new features
[00:11] WetWired: You can resize the text, for one
[00:11] KagomJack: Sweet
[00:12] WetWired: And it saves it in a cookie, so it should stay however you left it
[00:12] WetWired: Haven't tested it with FF, though
[00:12] KagomJack: I'm using it on FF
[00:12] KagomJack: looks fine to me
[00:12] KagomJack: I liked the blue interface though of the test one
[00:13] KagomJack: er
[00:13] KagomJack: color
[00:14] WetWired: It's tied to the forum style. The static test used the CSS from Synthesis Liquid violet
[00:16] KagomJack: ah
[00:17] WetWired: Off to bed
[00:18] KagomJack: G'night.
[00:28] KagomJack: Jag är Gud
[01:32] kaos: Test
[01:33] kaos: Lol
[01:34] KagomJack: Damn you Chinese food! We're hungry again!
[02:53] KagomJack: http­://­www­.­explosm­.­net­/­db­/­files­/­Comi­...­s­/­wrestler­.­png
[03:05] Vault Dweller: Shoutbox, eh?
[08:07] Thanatos: chatroom, eh?
[08:28] D3V: morning
[08:39] Thanatos: my roomate is leaving for a week. fuck ye s.
[08:40] Goodlookinguy: Goodmorning!
[08:40] Thanatos: whattup
[08:42] Goodlookinguy: cheese
[08:43] Thanatos: you're eating cheese in the morning?
[08:46] HandOfHeaven: yuck dude
[08:46] HandOfHeaven: ugh, off to class till 1145
[08:47] Goodlookinguy: C.H.E.E.S.U.
[08:47] Thanatos: why is our Superbowl thread populated with idiots?
[08:48] Goodlookinguy: Because football sucks
[08:49] Goodlookinguy: There are two WetWired! What in the world!
[08:49] D3V: ...
[08:49] D3V: Because there are people in this world that can't stand to see other people happy, let alone successful
[08:49] Thanatos: I'm taking it you dont like sports?
[08:53] Goodlookinguy: W3tWir3d & WetWired, what the #@%$
[08:53] Thanatos: just say fuck
[08:54] Goodlookinguy: I just don't like swearing
[08:55] Thanatos: fuck
[08:55] Thanatos: FUCK!!!
[08:56] Thanatos: eff
[08:56] Thanatos: you
[08:56] Thanatos: cee
[08:56] Thanatos: kay
[08:56] Thanatos: why
[08:56] Thanatos: oh
[08:56] Thanatos: you
[08:58] Goodlookinguy: Neow
[08:59] D3V: im telling on
[08:59] Goodlookinguy: !?
[09:00] Goodlookinguy: Fun Time!
[09:03] Goodlookinguy: So we have the Admin Chruser then WetWired the Web Master and a Apearntly W3tWir3d another WebMaster but under the name is a Stealth Admin what the Hell, why all of sudden. I wonder if WW just wanted to make two profiles and really it is just his profile.
[09:04] D3V: I would imagine that one has more abilities than the other
[09:07] Thanatos: i would imagine that you need to stop investigating this and leave it be
[09:07] Thanatos: you don't want to open that door
[09:08] Goodlookinguy: Opening doors are fun
[09:08] Thanatos: not this one
[09:08] Thanatos: there's scary shit behind it
[09:09] Goodlookinguy: It says both haven't been here since about 8:30 and the time clock says it is 9
[09:09] Goodlookinguy: we are safe
[09:09] Thanatos: WE ARE NEVER SAFE
[09:09] Goodlookinguy: AWWWW!
[09:10] Goodlookinguy: NOOOO!!!
[09:10] Thanatos: FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUCCCC­CCCCCCKkkkkkkkkkk
[09:10] *Goodlookinguy is dead*
[09:11] Goodlookinguy: Did you aw, get a little lazy while writing so everything is capital except the "k"
[09:13] Goodlookinguy: I wonder if it is possible just to log on everyday and manage to get to 100% in the stats, I almost want to try that.
[09:19] Grav: ...
[09:19] Goodlookinguy: Logging off
[09:19] Grav: it's not possible.
[09:19] Grav: you need 4 posts per day
[09:42] D3V: ..
[09:43] Grav: D3v, how can you be so dumb all the time?
[09:43] Grav: Your world must be a land of awe and mystery
[09:43] D3V: My world?
[09:43] D3V: you mean reality, a place that you actually left a long time ago.
[09:44] Grav: What's also amusing is that almost everything you accuse me of doing or being is exactly you.
[09:44] D3V: Where people aren't afraid to be themselves, and not care about "conforming"
[09:44] Grav: You have an extremely ignorant world view.
[09:44] D3V: Really? Explain to me how
[09:45] Grav: Aha! But you're not "being yourself," you're being your surroundings. You're being part of the mob. You're assimilating with no thought.
[09:45] D3V: Last time I checked I haven't gone in depth on my "world view"
[09:45] D3V: I'm not being my surroundings, nobody forces me to do anything, watch anything, eat anything. I choose too, I don't see how that's "being my surroundings".
[09:45] D3V: Have you even ever heard of a thing called adaptation?..
[09:46] Grav: Listen. Take a sociology class with a competent sociologist.
[09:46] Grav: You'll learn something, heaven forbid.
[09:46] D3V: You didn't answer my question.
[09:46] D3V: You're just trying your hardest to play devil's advocate, and it's making you look like a douche canoe.
[09:47] Grav: Once again, that's just what you've been doing. K_A calls you out on it all the time.
[09:47] D3V: I mean seriously., i'm not a fucking tree, I'm not my "surroundings" . I live in a very complex world, just as does everybody else does outside of the african tribes that haven't evolved.
[09:47] Grav: I replied to you in the Giants thread.
[09:47] D3V: Why are you talking about K_A?
[09:47] Grav: Here's a sociological theory. KARP. It stands for Knowledge of Self, Appropriation, Replication, and Project.
[09:48] D3V: Dude, I don't feel like arguing your pointless views forever.
[09:48] Grav: You are severly lacking in K and P. You are appropriating without first using K or P to form your replication, R.
[09:48] Grav: So basically, you're completely swept up in your surroundings, not your own person, but just something molded by those around you.
[09:48] D3V: I don't care about your scientology bungs, in fact, nobody does.
[09:48] D3V: No
[09:48] Grav: I'm a scientist, not a sociologist. But it's still interesting.
[09:49] D3V: I live in a complex world, just because my likes are similar to others, doesn't mean i'm copying them, moron.
[09:49] Grav: Actually, it does.
[09:49] Grav: That's exactly what humans do.
[09:49] D3V: No, it doesn't/
[09:49] Grav: Without culture, humans cannot exist.
[09:49] D3V: What is your fucking point?
[09:49] D3V: Who gives a fuck?
[09:49] D3V: ..
[09:49] Grav: But you do not pick and choose the appropriate aspects
[09:49] Grav: You just blindly follow it.
[09:49] D3V: Says who?
[09:49] D3V: you?
[09:49] D3V: So, you get to decide what's best for me? Best for my person? Best for my family, loved ones?
[09:49] Grav: Says science!
[09:49] D3V: No, science does not.
[09:50] D3V: Science says that humans can adapt to anything in their surroundings, and also can object it.
[09:50] D3V: I'm taking the logical route, and adapting in my favor, instead of making the battle difficult and fighting against common sense.
[09:51] Grav: I just don't think you're smart enough to comprehend this..
[09:51] D3V: ...
[09:51] Grav: *sigh*
[09:51] D3V: I know what you're saying, but it's wrong.
[09:51] D3V: "Science" as you so call it, can be wrong.
[09:51] Grav: It's not wrong. This is fact. There are studies on this.
[09:51] D3V: Guess what, if some asshole tells me how to live, that's communist
[09:52] Grav: You have an -extremely- simplified view of things, as usual.
[09:52] D3V: not science.
[09:52] Grav: Hahaha! What the hell does communism have to do with anything?
[09:52] Grav: When have I ever even MENTIONED communism?
[09:52] D3V: Gay people are in society, it's all around
[09:52] D3V: and i'm not gay?
[09:52] Grav: Stop using ad-hominem arguments.
[09:52] D3V: Does that mean i'm non-conformist
[09:52] Grav: http­://­en­.­wikipedia­.­org­/­wiki­/­Ad_hominem
[09:52] D3V: ?
[09:52] D3V: Just answer me.
[09:52] D3V: People smoke all around me
[09:52] Grav: There's an entire article on your argument style.
[09:52] D3V: I do not smoke
[09:53] Grav: Have you ever had a friend for a long time?
[09:53] D3V: Of course.
[09:53] Grav: Slowly but surely, you and that friend start to share certain characteristics, phrases, and mannerisms
[09:53] D3V: Does that mean i've been manipulated into thinking that relationships are a good thing, which they aren't
[09:53] Grav: It's like that, but on a mass scale.
[09:53] D3V: Yes, that is called adaptation
[09:53] Grav: It's appropriation
[09:53] Grav: Adaptation is biological.
[09:53] D3V: though, my long-time friends and I are still very different.
[09:53] D3V: But, what makes people friends are their similarities
[09:53] Grav: This is a cultural, and human-only, phenomenon.
[09:53] D3V: not, differences
[09:54] Grav: Animals adapt. Animals do not have culture and society.
[09:54] D3V: Yes they do
[09:54] D3V: Just because it's not on the evolution scale as we have, they still have it.
[09:54] D3V: Dogs in the wild have packs, and leadesr.
[09:54] D3V: leaders* that is a culture if you ask me, no different then how we operate, they have territory
[09:54] Grav: It's not culture. Culture has certain definitions that make it unique.
[09:55] Grav: Sociological institutions, for example.
[09:55] D3V: What about apes? primates?
[09:55] D3V: monkeys as animals have culture, they can adapt, they act as their surroundsings
[09:56] D3V: as do ALL animals, it's in their instincts,
[09:56] Grav: Once again, that's wrong...
[09:56] D3V: Animals do not adapt?
[09:56] Grav: Culture refers to the values, beliefs, behavior and material objects that together form a people’s way of life.
[09:56] Thanatos: stfu
[09:57] Grav: a. Material culture – tangible, physical cultural artifacts. Example: paper money
[09:57] Grav: b. Non-material culture – intangible, mental cultural meanings. Example: value of a “dollar”
[09:57] Grav: c. Nearly all living creatures rely on biological instincts to govern their behavior. Only humans rely on culture rather than instinct to ensure the survival of their kind.
[09:57] Grav: There's the key point, c...
[09:57] D3V: No, that's not true.
[09:57] D3V: Human instinct is their culture.
[09:58] D3V: Culture has spawned from it, and just because it's more relevant in our stage of evolution, doesn't mean that our instincts of survival aren't still there
[09:58] Grav: You're just making up B.S. now, D3v. As usual.
[09:58] D3V: we're just so evolved that everything is handed to us that our instincts to survive aren't as relevant
[09:59] D3V: Try reading and comprehending what i'm saying instead of arguing..
[09:59] Grav: blah blah blah.
[10:00] Grav: That's exactly what I said.
[10:00] Thanatos: Grav, you're gay.
[10:01] D3V: You're the biggest fucking moron on the face of the earth, seriously. You are arguing about nothing, just throwing out random shit that you read on the scientology cult websites that you jackoff too when the world has been mean to you
[10:01] Grav: And you guys choose to be dumb.
[10:01] Grav: SCIENTOLOGY, LOL!
[10:01] D3V: I'm done arguing pointless about stupid shit tha tyou won't even try to comprehend.
[10:01] Grav: D3v, don't even talk.
[10:01] Grav: You're beyond retarded.
[10:01] D3V: Fuck you grav
[10:01] Grav: You - are - beyond - retarded.
[10:01] D3V: You're the biggest douche on this fucking website.
[10:01] Grav: Just don't even... don't even talk. I'm serious.
[10:01] D3V: Go read a fucking book.
[10:01] Grav: I cannot FATHOM how stupid you are.
[10:01] D3V: I'm not talking you idiot, i'm typing.
[10:01] Grav: Have you ever even read a book?
[10:01] D3V: There's a lot of things you have trouble fathoming
[10:01] Grav: No, sports illustrated is not a book.
[10:02] D3V: Like women, society.. shit of that nature.

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