Conversation Between Skurai and Mdselctr
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
Have you ever done roleplaying online, before? You know what I mean, of course?
Creating a character, background, personality, and play them through a story which expands as all other people in the roleplay and their characters add onto it, while the original poster acts as an "admin" calling all major shots, or something of the sort?
You're a little ticklish troll, aren't you?
Slither to my fame, and whisper in my brain. I have already stated, I know you. I need only your name, demon. Reveal yourself pleasently, so that I may free this child. Are you of the 72, or are you of the lesser legions?
Where are you... I'm super bored without you... ._.'
Beep. I enjoy you, for you are my less defective brother! Much better than Jamer321.