Conversation Between Skurai and Chrystalia
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10

Their a group of doofus' lead by a scientific genius/madman. He plans to more-or-less "reboot" the world, but with edits to his own preference. (In other words, Pokemon takes a step into the "serious" domain)
Lol, I never did Quartz or Chaos Black. I'm not one for hacked games, but lately I've become internested enought to try one.
I'd definately do Platinum, but the graphics are definately down compared to HG/SS. The story was pretty good. I hate to admit it, but I liked Team Galactic more than/as much as I do Rocket.
Ah. I never played Diamond/Pearl/Platinum even though I have them. They just didn't interest me.
Except for my odd obsessions with Shirona and Gardenia and a few of the other characters. <w<;
But I might play through them eventually, just because I feel it necessary. I even played Quartz and Chaos Black. Those were fun, especially when you can impliment your own sprites into the game and use your own made up characters. xD
Oh really? I have Red/Blue/Yellow, Gold/Silver/Crystal, and I have Ruby and Emerald, but let people borrow them (they never gave them, back). Afterward, I quit for a short time, but returned with HeartGold and SoulSilver. I quickly learned everything about the games I could (considering internet was basically holding everything I'd want to know).
Yeah that's why I always get both versions. I think I have every version still, all the way back to the original green that was japan only.
I bred for proteins/carbos and such. They'd catch a rattata, buy a vitamin, have him hold it, then request a pokemon. Since I had HeartGold and everyone else had SoulSilver, it was easy to find trades that people wanted. Great bussiness.