View Full Version : My Alternative to Prisons

2012-01-19, 09:29 PM
Instead of paying for the crime with time, we shorten the time, in exchange for dozens more community service and fines. Stole a $60 purse? $6000 fine, and 60 hours of community service!
And it would grow like so. Killing would be turned into the victims age multiplied by five in hours of community service and their age multiplied by 1000 in fines. So if a 17 year old gets killed, the killer serves 85 hours of community service and must pay a $85,000 fine. Boosts the economy and keeps the prisons from overflowing!

2012-01-19, 10:09 PM
I would think killing a helpless child a greater crime than killing an old man waiting to die.

2012-01-19, 10:10 PM
The problem with exorbitant fines is that people can't pay them. Someone who would steal a $60 purse probably doesn't have $6000 to pay such a fine.

How about instead of prison we just lock people in a room with you for a day.

2012-01-20, 05:33 AM
How about instead of prison we just lock people in a room with you for a day.

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

- Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution

2012-01-20, 09:51 AM
The problem with exorbitant fines is that people can't pay them. Someone who would steal a $60 purse probably doesn't have $6000 to pay such a fine.

How about instead of prison we just lock people in a room with you for a day.

It turns into a Bill, silly. A chunk outta their money, monthly.

2012-01-20, 09:53 AM
I would think killing a helpless child a greater crime than killing an old man waiting to die.

Good point. Okay, starting a the age of 50 going in both directions, it multiplies as such.
If you're 50, your death would be worth $50,000, while 51 AND 49 would be $51,000. the pattern continues as such. Age 75+ the fine decreases by $1000 yearly, so a 90 year old would be $60,000.

2012-01-20, 10:46 AM
Or better yet we make them battle to the death on pay-per-view TV for our amusement? It'd be the action of crazy shit when real convicts fight plus it'd satiate the curiosity of snuff films by saying it'd be okay because they're prisoners. Then we could have prisoners who won in other prisons battle other winners until there is only one at the end of the year. We'd make more money that way. On top of that, make it Battle Royale style and have them wear explosive collars that detonate if they linger in certain areas and definitely make it some place mountainous and with just enough forestry to hide cameras in, yet make it a little challenging with not as much open space. We can have people monitoring from elsewhere keeping tally of how many have died and whom they've been killed by.

2012-01-20, 12:05 PM
Liek that shitty movie death race? Or Gamer?

2012-01-20, 01:59 PM
I rather enjoyed Gamer.

2012-01-20, 08:29 PM
I rather enjoyed Gamer.

Me too.

I was watching it with Noah, and at the part he was with the fat guy and they were like
"What do we do?"
Noah said "We go to /b/"

Then, the very next moment they were at a rave, people were getting shot, nobody cared and where dancing and having sex.

2012-01-22, 11:21 PM
Liek that shitty movie death race? Or Gamer?
More like the movie "Battle Royale", which is where Gamer drew some basis from. And no cars plox.

2012-01-23, 11:49 AM
Instead of paying for the crime with time, we shorten the time, in exchange for dozens more community service and fines. Stole a $60 purse? $6000 fine, and 60 hours of community service!
And it would grow like so. Killing would be turned into the victims age multiplied by five in hours of community service and their age multiplied by 1000 in fines. So if a 17 year old gets killed, the killer serves 85 hours of community service and must pay a $85,000 fine. Boosts the economy and keeps the prisons from overflowing!

The problem with this proposal is that felons who've say been convicted of murder could keep on murdering while under this community service system. The point of the prison system is to lock up those who damage the structure of society by committing crimes.

This would also be less efficient than the prison system because you would have to have monitors to make sure the community service is being carried out. You could argue that it would create new jobs and boost the economy, but there would be a deficit with the jobs being lost to the collapse of the prison system (if this community/fine system was fully embraced) versus the jobs created.

2012-01-23, 01:20 PM
The simple solution for that is, if we have reason to believe they'll kill more, we lock them up and double the fines, instead of community service. We also make them listen to Morgan Freeman read them the script to Precious on repeat, to rehabilitate them.