View Full Version : FF XIII to be on the 360

2008-07-14, 09:16 PM

D: ?

2008-07-14, 10:08 PM
Wow that pisses me off Final Fantasy should have stayed on sony. Once Star Ocean is released on 360 I'll prob. lose all of my respect of square-enix. (I miss Squaresoft :()

2008-07-14, 10:10 PM
Wow that pisses me off Final Fantasy should have stayed on sony. Once Star Ocean is released on 360 I'll prob. lose all of my respect of square-enix. (I miss Squaresoft :()
Why does that piss you off? Why does it piss anyone off? I really don't understand it. This guy at work who has a PS3 was ranting about it today.

It's not like FFXIII is suddenly going to be an Xbox exclusive. If you only have a PS3, you'll still get to play it. Nothing has changed for you, at all. The only thing that is different now is that more people will get to play it, and if you're getting your panties in a bunch about that, you're an asshole.

2008-07-15, 04:43 AM
Squenix have been telling us, for three years, that FFXIII is a PS3 exclusive, and that they have no plans at all to bring FF to the 360. This is a slop in the face to every PS3 owner who's been waiting patiently, for three years, for FFXIII, and would wait patiently for another five... well, they would have done.

You don't understand why people are ranting and raving?! Every single game that is multiplatform pperforms worse on the PS3. It's a fact. Even games which are developed on the PS3 seem to do worse than on the 360. PS3 owners have just gone from having the best exclusive of the lot, to having a multiplatform game that will suffer because of it. Not only will there now be delays to get the 360 version working, but Squenix will have to make both games equal, else what's the point in releasing it on two consoles?

From the view of an unbiased outsider, it's also bad for the industry. The dwindling number of third party exclusives is diluting the offerings from all consoles. The reason we buy a console is because of the gaming experience it offers. Fat lot of good that is if every damn console offers the same games.

I'm pissed off. No, I'm fucking livid. I've lost all respect I had for Squenix with this announcement. Bad things can only come of it. :(

2008-07-15, 07:17 AM
Greedy bastard.

This is good news to me, seeing as how I only have a 360. In your face, Lenny!

2008-07-15, 08:54 AM
You don't understand why people are ranting and raving?! Every single game that is multiplatform pperforms worse on the PS3. It's a fact. Even games which are developed on the PS3 seem to do worse than on the 360. PS3 owners have just gone from having the best exclusive of the lot, to having a multiplatform game that will suffer because of it. Not only will there now be delays to get the 360 version working, but Squenix will have to make both games equal, else what's the point in releasing it on two consoles?

Well it sounds to me that when you PS3 owners picked a console, you picked the wrong one. Don't get pissed off at Squenix because Sony sucks monstrous balls.

2008-07-15, 01:23 PM
Sadly, I do have to side with K_A here, more or less.

2008-07-15, 01:27 PM
Greedy bastard.

This is good news to me, seeing as how I only have a 360. In your face, Lenny!
I was going to buy a PS3 and eventually get FFXIII but now I'm going to have to get it for the Xbox360 just to spite Lenny.

I will giggle insanely whist doing so.

2008-07-16, 02:04 AM
Haha. I`m more pissed off about Square-Enix releasing Star Ocean: The Last Hope just for Xbox 360, when Till The End Of Time was on PS2.