View Full Version : who do you think is going to make it to the super bowl?

2008-06-13, 11:52 AM
i think new egland will but im not sure about the other:)

2008-06-13, 01:08 PM
What a horrible first post. New England won't make it even remotely close to the Superbowl this year. The league has had enough of Bellicheck's and the Patriot's antics.

I think the Colts have a good a shot as anybody. So do the Jaguars, Cowboys, and a couple of other teams. But I'd put money down that NE won't even get close.

2008-06-13, 01:12 PM
I would of put my money on Green Bay, but with Bret Favre retired, I'm not so sure about their odds. I'm gonna go with the Colts.

2008-06-13, 01:18 PM
It's too early to tell.

Medieval Bob
2008-06-13, 05:28 PM
What a horrible first post. New England won't make it even remotely close to the Superbowl this year. The league has had enough of Bellicheck's and the Patriot's antics.

I think the Colts have a good a shot as anybody. So do the Jaguars, Cowboys, and a couple of other teams. But I'd put money down that NE won't even get close.

Cowboys are gonna save their bowl win till 10-11 so they can do it at their new stadium.

2008-06-13, 08:07 PM
Bears are going to kick ass if they get a better offense and players

2008-06-17, 06:35 AM
Haha, great post.

Da Bears.....

Firstly, I'm a Philly homer, but here is my honest assessment.

AFC - I don't care if the league is tired of Bellicheck's antics or not, you can't deny the fact that as long as they have Brady they will be a contender. Now add Randy Moss to that equation, and it's always scary. NE has to be the favorite, obviously.

However, not far behind there are a few teams: Colts, Chargers, and Jags, in that order, but it's close. There are other decent teams out there, but these are the cream of the crop. Any given Sunday is always a factor, so it's all a matter of injuries and matchups.

NFC - There's no denying it, the Cowboys are probably the early favorite. The loss of Strahan hurts the Giants, and a few key defensive additions as well as a threatening kick/punt returner makes Philly dangerous again. Minnesota could be dangerous too, especially when you have Peterson and picked up Berrian in the offseason to help him out. As always injuries will play a HUGE factor, especially considering the Eagles. McNabb's last 8 games (when someone with his injury is typically due back and 100%), he was 5-3 with two of those losses coming from each conferences Super Bowl teams. Cowboys are still favored, however, with an injury free Eagles season, they would be very close.


San Diego Chargers vs. Dallas Cowboys

Yes, you heard it here. L.T. will bounce back in a large way this year, and with a maturing P. Rivers, they are going to be dangerous.

2008-06-17, 07:14 AM
Didn't McNabb just get hurt in training camp recently? So I wouldn't put my money on the Eagles making it far. McNabb couldn't stay healthy if his life depended on it.

I really like Minnesota coming out of the NFC so if I absolutely had to pick my two contenders it would be the Colts and Vikings in the Superbowl. Call me a homer if you will, but the Colts have a shot every single year when we have guys named Manning, Harrison, Wayne, and Addai.

And don't forget the Defensive Player of the Year. :)