View Full Version : Waiting

2007-02-25, 01:53 AM
I pulled out a cigarette from the depths of my coat pocket, my mind quite occupied at the time. It was raining and it was raining hard, but that really didn't bother me at all. It was 3 o' clock in the morning and I had just returned from my father's funeral a few days ago. It wasn't the tearjerker that everyone had expected it to be. In fact, it was empty, empty as one could expect for someone who was really despised by his family, including his son.

I casually placed the cigarette in my mouth and lit it, taking a soft puff as soon as I could. I didn't know why my mind was so bothered by everything. The only people who were at the funeral was my mother, my sister, a few of my dad's siblings, and myself. But something about it still lingered in my mind. Maybe it was the fact that no kind words were spoken. Perhaps it was the way my sister and mother were the only ones who actually shed tears for my dad. Or maybe, it was just the way my mother, in her already fragile state of mind, insisted she stay there, to wait for my dad.

"Wait?" I asked her.

"Yes, wait. He promised me that he'd come back to me some day. I know now that he will finally keep his promise." she responded.

"You're crazy..." I muttered under my breath.

She knew he was dead. She knew goddamn well he was dead and that he would never fulfill his promise to return. He never would have, even if he were still alive. He made this promise so long ago, back when they were still married, back when my sister and I were little. He was going to leave her because he said he couldn't stand the married life any more. He told her that he'd keep in touch and that he'd return when he was ready. He was never ready for her, though.

He married again a year later and had more kids. But he lost them when they were driving to Tahoe for a family vacation. Instead of finding a way to cope with it, he came back to us, but not to our mother. However, he was an asshole. He didn't know how to be a parent any more, not after losing his other children. He also avoided our mother like the plague, as if he were afraid of a confrontation. It tore her up that he'd only talk to us and not to her, that he'd only spend time with us and not her.

Eventually when I got older, I told the old man to get bent if he was going to treat us the way he did. My mom didn't take too kindly to that. She scolded me and insisted I apologize. I stood up and told her that she didn't deserve to be treated this way. She didn't really understand, I think. The abrupt dissolution of her marriage broke her. She was fine most days, but had to take medication just to get her out of her horrible depressive slumps. One time I had to hide all the knives and razors in the house just because her one slump was so horrible.

But looking at her that day at the funeral after our conversation ended, I couldn't understand any of it. Why did she insist on believing a lie? He never loved her and he never intended to return to her. But yet, she believes that he will return. I even talked to my sister about it. She wasn't sure what to think either.

"Maybe she just needs more time to adjust to his death, Alex."

"More time? She's had years to adjust to his not being there, Jen. Nineteen years of being ignored and unloved. She should know by now that there is no hope of him coming back."

She didn't argue with me then. In fact, she walked away from me. I only saw her one more time after, but that was a couple of days ago and nothing important.

But my cigarette had been smoked and my mind was still uneasy. I felt like it was time to just take something and hit the hay. Everything will smooth out, or at least I thought.

The next morning I found out my mom killed herself. We were stunned and shocked. I knew my dad's death finally broke her and how I had handled her that day at the funeral hadn't helped. All that was found at her death site was a letter. In the letter it said: "Even if I have to wait forever, I will wait for him. He will fulfill his promise, he even told me he would before he had died. After nearly twenty years of no contact, he called me and told me that he was going to come see me. He was on his way to see me when he was killed in his car accident. Now I will make sure that he will fulfill his intentions. He never stopped loving me and I wish that you all could forgive him. I'm sorry to do this, but it's the only way."


2007-02-25, 08:36 PM

Kidding, I'll read it later when I'm not putting off writing essays.

2007-02-25, 10:29 PM
Don't be too overly harsh with it.

2007-02-28, 04:20 PM
Rob and John

“Another beautiful summer’s day and we have to stay cooped up indoors,” the red fox uttered angrily. He was right, it had been a beautiful summer’s day. Clear, blue skies, healthy, green trees, nice, cool breeze, and it was only 70 degrees Fahrenheit! For the first time in three weeks, it had been a perfect 70 degrees! “Well, there’s no point in bitching about it. The sooner we find these invoices, the sooner we can go out for lunch!” the slightly older otter replied. “Well, it’s easy for you to say that, Rob!” the fox grumbled. “It’s actually easy to do as well as say, John.” Rob chuckled. The young fox, John, smirked and flipped off Rob jokingly. They had been sifting through paperwork for some invoices for a few hours, and John wanted to go out for the first time that summer. “Well, find me invoice numbers 13052b, 13086c, and 13922r so we can hightail it out of here!” Rob said while he pulled some invoices out of the stack. John shot him a toothy grin as he looked intently through the stack he had. After a few minutes, John took the invoices and slammed them on the table in front of Rob. “FOUND ‘EM! Now, let’s get the fuck outta here!” he yelled. “Shhh! We don’t want to have Julie come over and try to go with us!” Rob whispered. Julie was a sloth from Pasadena, California. She was one of those lazy people who no one likes. John only cringed and nodded in response. The fox and otter signed out on their computers and smiled. As they walked off to the car, the two exchanged amused glances, which perplexed the co-workers whom they had walked past. As they got in Rob’s Cadillac, the otter smiled, “Where would you like to go, John?” The fox chuckled in thought. “Maybe we could head to my apartment?” John replied nonchalantly. The otter grinned “Sounds very good to me!” The fox started to smile “I thought you would like that idea.” The otter smirked as he turned the key in the ignition. After a few minutes of letting the engine warm a bit, they pulled out of the parking lot and drove off to John’s apartment. Getting there would be a very short trip, considering that John lived only three miles away from the office. As they pulled into the driveway for the apartment, John gripped Rob’s crotch, which caused him to jump “Whoa! Easy there, foxxy. Wait ‘til we’re inside, first.” The otter said, slightly amused. John sighed and hopped out of the car, walking to his apartment already excited. Rob only shook his head and followed. Once they were insides the apartment room, John gripped the otter tightly with a devious grin on his muzzle. “Mmm…what ya plannin’ on foxxy?” Robert whispered. The fox licks Robert’s cheek gently as he ran his paw under the otter’s shirt “I think I am planning on having some fun” John replied. All that could be heard was the sound of Robert’s murring. The two walked slowly to John’s bedroom, throwing off their clothes in a lazy manner across the hallway and kitchen. Eventually, Robert pinned John to his bed with a lusty smile. “I think you’ve been wanting this for a while, eh fox?” the otter whispered. The fox only smiled softly as he licked Robert’s as a response. Robert only needed that to go on, stroking John’s sheath as he kissed the fox’s lips softly. John wrapped his arms around Robert as he was kissed, pushing his sheath up against the soft paw of the otter. It wasn’t long until the pink tip of the fox’s member slid out of its sheath, dripping some precum on the way. John only shuddered and moaned as the otter’s paw slide up and down the length slowly, wanting the otter to do more. After a few minutes of the otter’s steady strokes, he bent down and licked over the fox’s member fondly, getting it wet and lubed. “Oh Robert, it feels so good” the fox gasped out. Robert could only smile a little as he took the tip into his muzzle and suckle. After a minute or so, the otter took more into his muzzle and started to suckle harder, which caused John to moan loudly. Soon the otter let the throbbing member out of his muzzle and climbed up, resting his tailhole against the erection. “You sure you want this?” John panted. Robert nodded slowly as he forced the tip into him, causing him to elicit a soft moan. The fox grinned and gripped his friend’s hips as he thrusted his entire member in, causing Robert to gasp and shiver slightly. “John, I’ve been…” the fox only smiled as he pulled out and thrusted back in “I know” he said cutting off the otter. Robert nodded softly as the fox started to thrust in and out of him, causing him to pant and moan loudly. John was caught up in how good his co-worker felt. He loved how tight he felt. Robert loved the feel of the foxcock throbbing and thrusting in him, he loved the feel of precum shooting in him, and the way the tip hit his prostrate. All the attention his tailhole was receiving was causing his own member to slide out, the fox took notice of it quickly, gripping and stroking it quickly as he speeded up his thrusts. The otter began to tighten around the cock as it thrusted its way in him, spurting pre freely into him as his own member shot pre. The fox began to curl his toes as his balls pulled up against him tightly, getting closer to the moment. “Please, make me yours” Robert whimpered. John moaned one last time as he shoved his cock in as far as he could, releasing his cum deep into the otter’s eager bowels. As he felt the warm, sticky cum paint his passage, his own member twitched and spurted cum all over John’s stomach. The two furs panted heavily as they emptied their balls. Eventually, John’s orgasm faded followed soon by Robert’s own orgasm ebbing. After a moment of breathing time, Robert pulled off of the cock in his tailhole and snuggled up against John. “That was wonderful,” he whispered. The fox wrapped his arms around the otter and smiled which soon turned into a frown as he looked at the clock “Mmm…too bad we have to be back in 10 minutes.” “I know” Robert replied. The two hugged each other and layed around for a little longer before getting up and dressing back up. “Well, let’s go back to the drudgery of the real world.” John muttered. Robert smiled and kissed his cheek. John knew at that moment, work wouldn’t be so bad. In fact, he was kinda okay with having to go back. The two held hands as they got in the car and went on back to work.


2007-02-28, 05:23 PM
Beautiful, !K_A!! Almost good enough to be used as toilet roll.


That's a good bit of writing, Kagom. A couple of mistakes, but they don't really matter much. And I suppose with it being a first person narrative it's possible to pass them off as the way the character speaks.

2007-02-28, 06:14 PM

2007-02-28, 06:24 PM
Since I'm too lazy to read all of those combined letters, I'm going to assume that this is another one of those Tales from the Furry Crypt, and not read it at all. Kthx.

2007-02-28, 06:28 PM
I try to pretend that piece doesn't exist any more.