View Full Version : Battle Strategy- Plasma Rifle/ SMG

2006-07-05, 09:07 PM
The second of the series that i will talk about is known as the PR/SMG. Maybe the strongest of the Duel wields, this combo provides the best of both covenant and human technology. With the Covenants ability to erase shields, and the humans ability for damage, this combo is one to be scared of, especially in close corridors. Host players find that the kill is easy and the ability of the victim to fight back is almost as funny as a chicken with its head cut off.

But with ever advantage comes a disadvantage. The one flaw to this combo is that it has no distance. A player can take you out with a BR from a distance faster then a fat kid around cake. This is why this combo isnt used on boards like Coagulation, etc.

Peronally, i like looking for this weapon on boards like Lockout, Turf, and Foundation. Of course, it is important for the person that is running with it to make sure that ever shot counts because the possibilty of them getting granaded is very real. But if u can surprise your victim, laugh and teabag him until he says uncle.

That is it for the second part to the Battle Strategy series. Stay tuned for the third installment, BR and me.

2006-07-06, 09:37 AM
I love this combo. I always use it, and I play like a piece of shit, or least that is what a lot of people would call it. I don't just run rampant around the board to get kills, I pick my spots and take people out unexpectantly. Some people call it camping, but it's really not, because I am constantly changing locations. I call it smart, but then again, I won't get a game with 15+ kills playing like that, but I will get a game with only 3 deaths, for example.

2006-07-06, 03:37 PM
Good combo!

2006-07-07, 09:21 AM
Good input! :(

kenpo sensei
2006-07-07, 09:25 AM
Great taste. I used this combo alot in close areas. It works really well unless you have two or more guys you go after.

2006-07-07, 11:40 PM
Let's do the combo where I always win.

2006-07-08, 09:56 AM
in order to win, one has to play the friggin game =)

2006-07-08, 12:24 PM
Im so good I can win without playing the game.

2006-07-09, 01:25 AM
Ok here is better input.
This combo is great for close combat. the PR Take away the sheild fast enough to allow the SMG to finish the person off. At mid range this weapon still holds a powerful punch If use correctly. at long range its a oiece of shit.. Any better craige?

2006-07-09, 09:21 PM
Thats the cliff notes version. I went into more depth but that works as well.

2006-07-10, 12:12 AM
Just trying to please craige!

2006-07-11, 02:56 PM
Not good enough. I already read that input. You suck donkey nuts! DONKEY NUTS!

2006-07-11, 06:35 PM
THats what u get for reading! Go watch some TV/

2006-07-13, 03:16 PM
I love Family Guy.

2006-07-15, 08:40 PM
Giggity GIggity Goo