View Full Version : Draco!!

2006-05-19, 12:37 AM
Well....I guess now that I am a member, I can roll with the big dogs...


Name: Austin
Gamertag: ColdBloodDraco
Favorite/Preferred Weapon: Sniper Rifle (I don't like the Beam Rifle too much)
Disliked Weapon: Plasma Weapons, SMG, Brute Shot
Team Slayer Level: 25

I consider myself a good sniper, unless I get swarmed. Close range is not my specialty, unless I got the sword....but then again who isn't good with the sword.

To me, kills aren't the main focus of my playing. If I get them, then it helps the team, but as long as I can drain the enemies shield, and a teammate can finish him, I did my duty. Also, if I can catch an enemy snipers attention and make him give away his position for a teammate to take him out, I don't consider my death a complete loss. If I see my teammate in a firefight, I will try to make the enemy change targets or get in the way of enemy fire safely to give my teammate the final shot or whatever...

As long as my team wins, even if I only had 5-7 kills, I get the personal satisfaction of, "Well, so-and-so was posted and gettin' kills like crazy, until I took him out. Then he was getting killed every couple o' seconds." I like to feel that my couple of kills were what helped turn the tide of battle in our favor...

I know it sounds cheesy, but fuck you all and that's how I play...the extra kills I get are just like getting a holiday bonus....

Well....I am ready to take on the flaming and mad spam attacks I am going to get...

My stats are here. (http://www.bungie.net/Stats/PlayerStats.aspx?player=ColdBloodDraco)

Sum Yung Guy
2006-05-19, 02:47 AM
Welcome to the Dragoons.

2006-05-19, 03:58 AM
Woh Delong .... Dont flame him to much... haha just kidding.
Welcome and you do very well when you play. I like your attitude and your a pretty cool person to have around. Glad you joined and Hope to get to know you more. Any question just ask.

2006-05-19, 09:21 AM
Moved to member profiles.

Welcome Draco! Hmm, another person that like the Snipe, unless in close quarters, and when he is, he likes the Sword.. n00b4r!!!

Sum Yung Guy
2006-05-19, 10:23 AM
Moved back to dragoon elite until Draco joins our private section and can view the member profile area.

kenpo sensei
2006-05-19, 11:42 AM
Welcome, hope to see you online, if I can stay online.

2006-05-19, 04:33 PM
I think we have played in a few games together, and let me be the first to say that he does exactly what he wrote. I remember on Relic, i couldnt find the sniper on the broken down pelican, and i was like shit, im never going to get him. All of a sudden, Draco runs right in the middle and starts jumping, giving the snipers position away. I saw it, took the shot and Draco spawned close by to collect it. It was sweet.