View Full Version : Dancing

2005-12-21, 03:17 PM
Do any of you enjoy dancing?
I am listening to some Michael Jackson right now, and I started getting my groove on to Smooth Criminal. I like my school's dances too because I like to let loose and experiment with new moves that I make up.

Serious question, please no 'Dancing is for queers!' comments. :mad:

2005-12-21, 04:04 PM
Fat people don't dance well.

Edit for post below:

Most fat people don't dance well, myself included.

2005-12-21, 04:42 PM
There is this fat guy in my frat who is an awesome dancer, and his being fat makes it hilarious and cool at the same time.

2005-12-21, 06:25 PM
There. Post edited for you.

2005-12-21, 09:03 PM
Do any of you enjoy dancing?
I am listening to some Michael Jackson right now, and I started getting my groove on to Smooth Criminal. I like my school's dances too because I like to let loose and experiment with new moves that I make up.

Serious question, please no 'Dancing is for queers!' comments. :mad:

No, in fact I'd rather work than dance. There is something that's okay I guess ...standing there and getting ground on :P.

2005-12-21, 10:14 PM
i cant dance at all. I cant dance when im sober or drunk, but most of the tiem when i am drunk, i think i can dance. I like watching girls dance and will try to please them by dancing. I figure trying is better then being the creepy guy in the cornor going "shes mine all mine." Any Dane Cook fans will get that

2005-12-22, 04:05 AM
I can't dance for toffee.

When I was about 5 or 6 I thought I was an amazing dancer...but I stopped, and now I don't know my foxtrot from my Samba from my Jive Bunny.

It's like I've got 3 left feets.

People try to get me to dance, but I've perfected a technique of clinging for dear life to the legs of chairs and tables. I won't even dance with people I'd dream about dancing with...too shy. :(

So yeah, no dancing from Lenny. :)

2005-12-22, 05:59 AM
I only dance when my girlfriend makes me.. Which is a lot.. :(

2005-12-22, 06:26 AM
I only dance in the club, which is basically you grinding on a girl. So I love it.

2005-12-22, 06:41 AM
I can't dance for toffee.

When I was about 5 or 6 I thought I was an amazing dancer...but I stopped, and now I don't know my foxtrot from my Samba from my Jive Bunny.

It's like I've got 3 left feets.

People try to get me to dance, but I've perfected a technique of clinging for dear life to the legs of chairs and tables. I won't even dance with people I'd dream about dancing with...too shy. :(

So yeah, no dancing from Lenny. :)

Im shy but yea ...hell it's not too hard to stand there and let a girl grind on you or hold her hips and dance with her :P. I hate that stupid rocking back and forth dancing though ...I'd rather just make out or something :P.

2005-12-22, 06:46 AM
Yeah, but I'm extremely shy...though only around certain people. And I wouldn't have a clue where to put my hands. That's the problem, hands. Maybe we should all live with tractor beams that can be our hands instead of clumpy, fleshly, hands.

2005-12-22, 06:53 AM
Yeah, but I'm extremely shy...though only around certain people. And I wouldn't have a clue where to put my hands. That's the problem, hands. Maybe we should all live with tractor beams that can be our hands instead of clumpy, fleshly, hands.

Plant your hands right on the girl's ass ...you can't go wrong there ;)

2005-12-22, 07:11 AM
Oh, you wouldn't believe how wrong I can go. I either do something perfectly right, or go amazingly wrong...amazingly wrong with a lot of style. :p

But yeah, if I put my hands anywhere near a girls ass I'd walk away with a hand print on my face.

2005-12-22, 07:24 AM
Oh, you wouldn't believe how wrong I can go. I either do something perfectly right, or go amazingly wrong...amazingly wrong with a lot of style. :p

But yeah, if I put my hands anywhere near a girls ass I'd walk away with a hand print on my face.

But hey ...at least she would have hand prints on her ass :P.

2005-12-22, 07:55 AM
Yeah, but make a bad impression, get slapped, and there's one girl there's little chance you've got any chance with any more.

I like just sitting and watching. It's quite relazing, and I don't get out of breath like the dancers do. Save your breath for compliments and flattery and the world is your buttered up...thingy.

2005-12-22, 09:24 AM
Gah. I was the coveted "purse watcher" at all of my highschool dances. It fucking sucked donkey balls. >:T

If I ever did dance, it'd only be with my girlfriends (In this context meaning: Friends whom are girls).

2005-12-22, 09:34 AM
Now, I've found a way to not become the purse watcher. :killgrin:

I don't go to any form of disco or dance, and I only leave the house to go to a party once a year. And that party was on Sunday just gone.

Then again, I may start going to other parties just to laugh at the drunks. :)

And I'm definitely going to the Yr. 11 Leavers disco in June. There's no way I'm missing that.

2005-12-22, 09:46 AM
Laughing at drunks at parties is a pass-time I discovered during my last year of HS. Definately worth being a purse watcher in that case.

2005-12-22, 09:53 AM
Ooh arr.

Purse watch with a pint of Coke, a notebook, a pencil, and a camera.

Gimme a B! L! A! C! K! M! A! I! L!

What does it spell?!

2005-12-22, 09:58 AM
Eeegh...Coke. Swap Coke for Mt. Dew and you have some glorious opportunities for "b!l!a!c!k!m!a!i!l!" there.

2005-12-22, 12:08 PM
MJ is a black male.

2005-12-22, 12:32 PM
As a certified club rat, yes I like to dance. Plus, dancing vertically is just a prelude to dancing horizontally, if you know what you are doing. Getting drunk beforehand helps loosen me up though.

2005-12-22, 02:13 PM
I'm sure it doesn't hurt the cause, but there isn't much of a correlation between dancing horizontally and dancing vertically.. If you have rhythm, you can be good in the sack, even if you suck at dancing.

2005-12-22, 03:52 PM
Jessifer are you that guy? the GBF? as in the G!l!A!l!Y!l!B!l!E!l!S!l!T!l!F!l!R!l!I!l!E!l!N!l!D! l who gets no ass, dude you guys need to just look at some rap video or something hip hop and go to a club or dance and fuckin get your groove on, bitches love it, and theres a good way to get ass.

2005-12-22, 04:24 PM
Jessifer is a woman, slick.

2005-12-22, 07:20 PM

Jess better start now and get those 'bitches'!

2005-12-22, 08:26 PM
Fuck yeah. I could use me some of these so called..."bitches".

...Lol. Hilarious. Why do people assume I'm a male right off the bat here, anywayz?

Btw. Rap suxxorz. I'd rather jive, baby.

2005-12-23, 05:52 AM
Why would people assume that a member with the username "Jessifer" is a male when the username itself shows that the member is in fact a female?

It's a mixed up, muddled up universe. I'll give you that for free.

2005-12-23, 05:56 AM
Jessifer are you that guy? the GBF? as in the G!l!A!l!Y!l!B!l!E!l!S!l!T!l!F!l!R!l!I!l!E!l!N!l!D! l who gets no ass, dude you guys need to just look at some rap video or something hip hop and go to a club or dance and fuckin get your groove on, bitches love it, and theres a good way to get ass.

You sure have a handle on things ...we should all take your advice! I WANT ME SOME GHETTO BOOTY! I saw this chick at work the other night and I'm not one to usually go for sistahs but DAMN she is hot. If it was a choice between her and Beyonce ...well, I'd take Beyonce because she's rich ...BUT STILL ...if it wasn't for money I'd go for this chicka.I'd get shot down quicker than a hang glider over the capitol though.

2005-12-25, 01:51 AM
Well, Leny, when you dancing in the club, at first, you don't need to put your hands anywhere but in the air. If you feel the girl is liking you, then you can hold her hand or put your hands on her hip. Alcohol helps alot of time, so pregame before you go clubing.

2005-12-25, 02:07 AM
Well, Leny, when you dancing in the club, at first, you don't need to put your hands anywhere but in the air. If you feel the girl is liking you, then you can hold her hand or put your hands on her hip. Alcohol helps alot of time, so pregame before you go clubing.

Lenny, get a fake I.D. and goto 18+ clubs. Pick up drunk chicks like he said ;). Plenty of "dancing" there ;).

2005-12-25, 12:34 PM
Grav plays DDR.

I enjoy slow dancing. That bump n grind stuff yeah... no.

I also play DDR =D

2005-12-25, 12:44 PM
Bump n grind stuff kind of gets old and monotonous after awhile. Not saying I don't like it though. I just like to let loose and have a good time. Makes for a good laugh for my friends.

2005-12-25, 01:24 PM
I don't find it proper. It offends me.

2005-12-25, 07:23 PM
Scary note: I can beat my sister at DDR. Me = 220lbs, her = 130lbs.

2005-12-25, 08:43 PM
Scary note: I don't care.

2005-12-25, 09:02 PM
Not so much scary as expected.

2005-12-25, 09:38 PM
I bet Grav can beat both of you combined.

I know this one girl who can do two pads at once insanely well. I've only played the game once and it was quite difficult for a bit.

2005-12-25, 10:14 PM
If I'm under the influence of something I can get A on normal mode

2005-12-25, 10:28 PM
Bump n grind stuff kind of gets old and monotonous after awhile. Not saying I don't like it though. I just like to let loose and have a good time. Makes for a good laugh for my friends.

I would think you haven't been to the club yet. Noone ever goes to the club would say that, well, atleast the people i know of. I guess if you think about it, it is not that exciting. But if you go to the club with right friends and right ratio of girls and guys (incase you are shy in picking up girls). You will have so much fun that you don't want to leave the club till you so tire from dancing you can't even stand up.

2005-12-25, 11:15 PM
On a date I had a 2 weeks ago the girl and I were chillin so I told her lets play DDR.....to my surprise she said "Ok" she then proceeded to destroy me :o I had only played the game once before and she said had never done it...god stuff for gettign them sweaty too ;)

2005-12-26, 12:07 AM
If I'm under the influence of something I can get A on normal mode

He speaks the truth.

And for being a 260 lb guy I can get AAs on alot of songs in heavy =/

2005-12-26, 12:10 AM
Bump n grind stuff kind of gets old and monotonous after awhile. Not saying I don't like it though. I just like to let loose and have a good time. Makes for a good laugh for my friends.
Let me hit u with my denium cock. Bow Bow. My denium cock

2005-12-27, 02:53 AM
I perfer slow dancing because I can't do anything else/won't do anything else/suck at anything else/won't touch any other form of dancing with a 10 foot pole. There. I said it.

2005-12-27, 05:38 AM
nd wahtf ees thes "DDR" yeww shpeek oph?

2005-12-27, 05:47 AM
DDR = Dance Dance Revolution


I think it's one of those Dance-mat thingy type things.

The way to win on those is to have a really good sense of rhythm, like a musician. If you are a musician, and you have an uncanny sense of rhythm, then get down to your nearest Dance-mat and get your name immortalised on the highscore lost, now!

Thinking about that then, I ought to be really good at this DDR business...hmmm...

2005-12-27, 08:53 AM
I had a friend come up to me in a club/bar last night while I was on the dance floor and say to me "Um.. You know you're a white boy, right?"

Ouch :(

2005-12-27, 11:40 AM
Interesting friend...

I don't get it. Anyone can dance on a dancefloor.

2005-12-27, 12:17 PM
I had a friend come up to me in a club/bar last night while I was on the dance floor and say to me "Um.. You know you're a white boy, right?"

Ouch :(

Yeah, and no matter how good you are, you are always going to get people looking at you and making comments, just because white guys "aren't supposed to know how to dance.."

It's just another layer added to killing the confidence of white men all over the world when it comes to dancing..

2005-12-27, 01:28 PM
Ah well, I tried not to let it get to me.

Plus, it was made OK later on when another friend of mine, who happens to be a stripper (glee!), told me I had the best rhythm of any white guy she's ever danced with.

2005-12-27, 10:14 PM
I don't think you should care about what your friends say. Arkantis says I dance well but still like a white boy. It's crazy, doesn't really affect me, I just go with the beat. It's just a shitload of fun.

2005-12-29, 06:18 AM
Either way, what really matters is if you can make them squeel in the sack or not. :D

2005-12-29, 12:18 PM
Hence the reason I took this girl Laura dancing last week. She let me prove it :D

2005-12-30, 06:57 AM
I'd get jealous if I wasn't fucking every day, so I'll just say "Keep up the good work brotha!"

2005-12-31, 05:36 PM
Hahaha well thank you for the encouragement

2006-01-05, 01:32 PM
Dancing is fun in the right context. It can be really painful, or a blast, depending on the way you're thinking about it, your mental state, your physical state, the location, and your reaction to your partner.

2006-01-05, 05:05 PM
And your partner's reaction to you. "Eww! get away!" is not a good one for them to hace.