View Full Version : Eagles..

2005-12-07, 06:52 AM
Alright, so is there any hope for this team to be elite again next year, or do you think we are officially in the rebuild stage after completely dominating the NFC East and more or less, NFC, over the last 5 years?

I personally think we have a great chance to be elite, and this year was just a bad lull that will get corrected in the offseason. Injuries will heal, young players will get experience, we will learn from here on out what players are good and what players are not, and we now know where we are weak and need to focus our energy on during free agency and the draft.

I think we will come back strong as hell next year (And I fucking hate talking about next year)..

Never thought I'd cheer for another team, but I am really rooting for the Colts. They have a chance to make this very unmemorable Eagles season into something very worth while for a football fan. I hope they take the Super Bowl too, because Peyton deserves that acclaim on his resume, he is that good. Good luck Indianapolis, and hopefully, the Eagles will see you next year in the Super Bowl!!

2005-12-07, 07:44 AM
19-0 All the fucking way, baby. Oh man.. if we win the Super Bowl I'm gonna be downtown rioting my way home.

By the way, I'm sorry the Eagles ever thought they had something in T.O. That guy is the cockiest, most arrogant motherfucker in the league, possibly the whole world. He's retarded, literally.

2005-12-07, 01:54 PM
Yes, T.O. is quite possibly the outcome of a genetic process gone awry. He very well could be a 4 year old stuck in that completely muscle bound 31 year old's monkey body. He gave us quite a ride last year, and it was awesome, but he literally tore this franchise up this year. Then injuries hit, and BOOM! You have a complete season meltdown.

So it goes. I'm just hoping that next year is different. I would love to see 19-0 this year though!

2005-12-07, 05:41 PM
titus is probably drinking during every game, especially that loss to seahawks. I dont want to see the colts go 19 -0, eventhought that would be cool. I would love to see another team win, (i know u are all saying the giants) but more imporatntly, the bengals. I dont know what it is, but chad johnson is my hero as of late. His dances in the end zone make me laugh, especially the golf one. But seeing a manning superbowl, both eli and peyton, would be awesome

2005-12-07, 10:59 PM
Alright, so is there any hope for this team to be elite again next year, or do you think we are officially in the rebuild stage after completely dominating the NFC East and more or less, NFC, over the last 5 years?

I personally think we have a great chance to be elite, and this year was just a bad lull that will get corrected in the offseason. Injuries will heal, young players will get experience, we will learn from here on out what players are good and what players are not, and we now know where we are weak and need to focus our energy on during free agency and the draft.

I think we will come back strong as hell next year (And I fucking hate talking about next year)..

Never thought I'd cheer for another team, but I am really rooting for the Colts. They have a chance to make this very unmemorable Eagles season into something very worth while for a football fan. I hope they take the Super Bowl too, because Peyton deserves that acclaim on his resume, he is that good. Good luck Indianapolis, and hopefully, the Eagles will see you next year in the Super Bowl!!

You've had your chances for the last 4 years of going to the NFC champ game. And you had a superbowl last year. You've got atleast another 20 years before you get to go again.

2005-12-08, 07:56 AM
That is ridiculous. Why did you even respond with that crap?

2005-12-08, 08:24 AM
Yeah, that's the most nonsensical bullshit I've heard in a long time.

2005-12-08, 01:22 PM
Because his IQ is equal to 1/2 the square root of his post count.

2005-12-08, 02:04 PM
Glad to have you onboard the "Colt" Train Titus. Alright that was lame, but anyway, the Eagles have the Core of what can be a really solid team next year. Solid QB, looks like they have a strong group of young receivers, solid RB. I'm unsure of how their O-line is and I know their D will play better next year. I look for the Eagles to be right back in contention if not having a stranglehold on their division again.

Bon Clay
2005-12-08, 02:12 PM
Fuck the Eagles.

2005-12-08, 02:17 PM
What he said.

Bon Clay
2005-12-08, 02:25 PM
I bet Terrell Owens is laughing his ass off as these pussies get wrecked by the mediocre Seattle Seahawks 42-0 on Monday Night.

God I hate this fucking team. Actually fuck Philadelphia, except for Allen Iverson. That nigga is fucking harsh.

2005-12-08, 02:51 PM
mediocre Seattle Seahawks

They are much better than mediocre if you ask me. They are leading their division and have the leagues leading rusher. That's definitely more than mediocre.

2005-12-09, 06:39 AM
I bet Terrell Owens is laughing his ass off as these pussies get wrecked by the mediocre Seattle Seahawks 42-0 on Monday Night.

Fine by me. He can laugh his ass all the way to bank as me repays over 3 million dollars to the Eagles organization! ZIIING!

2005-12-09, 06:04 PM
Meh, I think the Eagles will hurt without TO. Even with all his bullshit he is prolly among the top 5 recievers in the league. Even if he is a distraction, he could just be ignored but thats just me.

2005-12-10, 01:44 AM
Fine by me. He can laugh his ass all the way to bank as me repays over 3 million dollars to the Eagles organization! ZIIING!

3 million he owes isn't anything compared the the 20something he made this year, let alone what he's made in his career.

And I said it because it's true, Westbrook, done. Donovan, done. Your kicker... (Akers?...), done. The eagles franchise as we know it, done.

Just stick to making soup commerciales, Momma McNabbs knows hur shyt, fa real.

2005-12-10, 09:01 AM
D3V makes an interesting point. I think that the eagles will be done for at least a couple of years due to the fact that they need so many new positions filled. McNabb use to be good, but this year sucked it up. I still think he will suck it up for the next couple of years til he gets traded or retires. Then you have no recievers that i can name off the top of my head. Even with him bitching, TO was a game breaker and had the most tds and receptions fo the team. Then westbrook, a great catcher of ht eball, but a terrible running back. Hes not a downhill runner. Hes a slasher and that seems not to work withthis team. Ur defense is getting old, ie trotter, and u let two amazing dline defenders leave and get traded. I think the eagles should just loose this season and the bnext to get a good draft pick. Sorry, no luck for Reggie Bush this year.

2005-12-12, 06:33 AM
What you guys miss is the big picture. This offseason there will be a plethora of FA WRs. Eric Moulds, Randle El, Reggie Wayne, Peerless Price right now. The list is decent, and the Eagles will have to make a move for someone.

Also, there is already preliminary talks of the Eagles gonig after Abrahms from the Jets. Could you imagine the pass rush of Kearse and Abrams on the end?

Moats is turning into a nice player, and Reggie Brown will be a solid #2 by next year. He catches a lot of balls, has good hands, is fast, etc. He isn't a #1, but a solid #2 option. Trotter still has a few years left in him, and if anyone thinks he isn't one of the best run stoppers in the league, you are kidding yourself. Our secondary didn't have 4 pro bowlers last year for nothing. With the exception of Dawkins getting one year older and possibly a little slower, the other guys are getting another year of experience and are all young. Sheldon Brown is quietly having a Pro Bowl season this year too.

The only positions we really need to fill is the WR, which I spoke about already, the middle positions for our pass rush, and outside LBs, to compliment Trotter. Everywhere else we are solid. Westbrook now has a compliment in Moats, which is the same style player, so we won't have to rely on him ALL the time, so he will stay healthy.

McNabb played this year with a Sports Hernia! Are you guys forgetting that or something?? It killed his accuracy, strength, run aspect, etc. He will be back and fine next year. If you think the Eagles are done, you are seriously a fucking moron. The next thing you're going to tell me is that the Jags actually beat Indy this weekend. *fart*

2005-12-12, 11:41 AM
haha i saw that coming. I think that all those recievers are going to be bought back by their original teams. U cant let Reggie Wayne go if your the colts. Anyways, the best pass rushers in the game or strahan and osis humanouria(sp) of the giants. Both are going to go to the pro bowl and are amazing. Tho, they played miserable against the eagles, the giants pulled out a much need win. Next week is huge for them and could decide who is going to the playoffs

2005-12-12, 01:10 PM
You also can't forget that Charles Rogers will more than likly be released by the Lions. Even though he hasn't played a lot with them, if given enough catches he could have a break out year like another MSU grad Plaxico Burress had this year.

2005-12-12, 01:34 PM
I'm also hearing rumor that Jevon Walker is an unrestricted free angent after this year, and with his injury, the Packers might not want to offer too much money, and the Eagles might make a run at him! That would so own.

2005-12-12, 09:24 PM
yea that would be pretty awesome for you. I wish you the best haha

2005-12-12, 09:59 PM
Rogers would be a lot less expensive, and imo has a bigger upside. Might be a bigger risk, but I think Rogers is going to become a great reciever if he stays drug free, and gets on a decent team.