View Full Version : Is key hunting worth it?

2005-10-22, 08:31 PM
Well, I have trapsin Karatzke (level 66 ATM). Would it be beneficial to hunt for keys from the summoner and the countess? i.e. could I make good trades off of it?

2005-10-22, 10:04 PM
Keys = hellfires = $$ if they are good.

2005-10-23, 12:11 AM
keys=alot of time w/out nigma and MH=uber set number1 that is hard to beat=ubers set number two that is god damn near impossible to beat(unless you have smiter buddys)=torchs that are 90% of the time worth like Um-Ist. Plus you've got to drop trade them suckers.
You might as well get 2 or more cdkeys and spend your time grushing mules to hell and doing forges.

2005-10-23, 12:39 AM
But killing tristram is fun :(

2005-10-24, 04:04 AM
It's not worth it too much unless you have a full set x2-3, those usually sell.
Indivs though, are a pain to sell. Well when I try anyways.

2005-10-24, 09:53 AM
Wow, what do keys do now? Just wondering, since I've not touches Diablo II (Devil heathen game!!) in like 18 months.

2005-10-24, 03:31 PM
keys create a portal to an Uber Boss(Uber Andy, Uber Duriel, and uber Izzy) and when you kill one of these bosses each drops an Organ from one of The 3 Brothers (diablos Horn, Baals Eye, Mephs Brain) and when u get all 3 organs u use them in cube to create portal to uber trist where all 3 uber Brothers are.

2005-10-24, 09:02 PM
Oh, and then you get this neat item called a Hellfire Torch. It's bitchin' ass sweet.

2005-10-25, 10:00 AM
What the fuck? I seriously can't tell if that was kidding or serious?? If it's true, I might make a comeback.. Please don't be true..

*Titus runs away with an odd nervouis sensation..*

2005-10-25, 04:33 PM
Most definitly true.

2005-10-25, 07:14 PM
it is very much worth it.. there are people Buying Keysets for 1x Hr and in many cases Soj's. sometimes i dont find keys.. takes me 1-2 hours just to find a D key when doing Dkey runs. but it still pays off better than mfing for Wf's etc.

2005-10-25, 07:29 PM
HellFire Torch
25% chance to cast lvl 10 firestorm when striking
+3 to random character class skills
+10-20 to all attributes
+10-20 to all resistances
+8 to light radius
lvl 30 hydra 10 charges

Wow, 4th from top is us! YAY KANEDA!

2005-10-25, 10:17 PM
Wo! lol That kicks ass. I knew that would get us activity.

2005-10-26, 06:22 AM
Hold on, so there are different keys now? Special keys that open shit up and get your into battle with uber crazy niggas that might get you this crazy torch weapon?

2005-10-26, 01:46 PM
Ya, you find the keys doing the countess, summoner, and nitholak ( i can never spell his name right sorry.)In Hell. It has taken me up to 2 days to find a key before.

2005-10-27, 07:22 AM
Are they regular keys, or are they labeled like a special unique key or something?

2005-10-27, 04:37 PM

They are basically white items.

2005-10-28, 06:51 AM
Whoa, thats crazy..

2005-10-29, 11:03 PM
Summoner runs for Hate keys are exceptionally useless- since he... won't give you much else... in a million years.
Countess runs are okay for people... who really wanna spend longer(unless use maphack) teleporting there and finding mostly crappy runes from the countess and sometimes keys.
Destruction keys from nithilak(spelling?) are worth twice as much as the other keys though, and maphack isn't needed to get there very fast... but a really good character like a hammerdin with enigma is...
3 Keysets is/was worth around IST... tho any Torch you'd get after doing uber trist would be hard to trade for even a Mal(or for me it is anyway).. so I don't know what will happen to Key prices(though they should go WAY down)
Either way... ATM keys (at least on USEAST) are fluctuating in price. I personally do nithalak runs while trading Lem runes for each Dkey other people bring me.. then Trade 7-8 Dkeys for an Ist rune(and last time I checked... 7-8 Lem runes is NOT worth as much as ist) I made about 5 ists in the last 2 days doing this.

2005-10-30, 12:41 AM
nowdays, ppl are buyin keys (single) for tonnes of shit! i saw sum1 buyin d or t key for a hr b4, and another game had c script, so wen i checked it, it had "soj 4 t key" i was shocked! o.O

2005-10-30, 01:46 AM
and your Dracs which u got for a H Key >=(