View Full Version : Got me some Metroid and a Nintendo DS!

2004-11-23, 02:05 AM
Well, I now own both, and I'm happy as a pig in shit.

I'm about 12 hours into Metroid Prime 2, and I've pretty much decided that it's my game of the year. The only other possible contender at this point might be Baten Kaitos, but I won't be able to play that for a few months. I'll post an extensive review once I'm finished with it.

The Nintendo DS is just simply awesome. I've only got Mario 64 DS at the moment, but that will change within the next month or two, as better and better software comes out. So far, Mario DS is badass. The graphics have been noticeably enhanced, the new characters are all a blast to play with and the new challenges are a fresh addition to the game. On top of that, the title sports something like 100 new touchscreen-based minigames to be unlocked during the course of the game. I've got about 15 of them unlocked at the moment, and they're all pretty damned fun, and show off a great example of some of the gameplay designs to expect from future touchscreen-intensive titles. I'll also post a full review of it once I'm finished.

All in all, this is probably the best videogame holiday season in years. I now bid you adieu, because I've got Goombas to stomp.

2004-11-23, 04:56 AM
I have a feeling they will be releasing a new Mario Paint on the DS. If so I might buy one, that game was the shit.

2004-11-23, 05:56 AM
There are some who would get down on thier hands and knees and fellate Satoru Iwata to see that happen.

2004-11-23, 05:57 AM

2004-11-23, 05:58 AM
Grav is one of them.

2004-11-23, 06:02 AM
I dunno about all that but I'd probably buy a DS. That's about all that will make me buy one though.

2004-11-26, 01:37 AM
I'd get a DS, but theres no real incentive, except for the fact that so many people at my school have gotten one already, and use that stupid Pictochat.

I will say the Gameplay is alright, and having two tiny screens is better than one tiny screen. But it sounds like your having fun, Raziel. I wish I had the extra $$ to get a DS and a PSP.

2004-11-26, 03:47 AM
Your call, bro.

I'd say, buy a DS. It's cheaper, it's more innovative, the battery will last longer, the system won't overheat on you, you won't have to worry about DRE malfunctions, the games will be cheaper and the game selection won't consist mostly of ports and rehashes.