View Full Version : Commencing PETA raid

2004-07-15, 07:42 PM
If you wish to join, contact me on msn: kagom_jack@yahoo.com
yahoo: kagom_jack
AIM: kingkagomjack
asap if you wish to join :)

I'll post the results later (if you join in, you're in charge of copying and saving your own posts)

2004-07-15, 07:44 PM
You lead an exciting life.

Of course, in this instance, "exciting" is an euphemism for "pathetic."

2004-07-16, 07:31 AM
wtf is PETA

2004-07-16, 07:39 AM
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Medieval Bob
2004-07-16, 08:04 AM
What sort of raid are we talking about?

I'm not against ethical treatment personally... I just want to eat the cute little things.

2004-07-16, 08:07 AM

Posted By Date/Time
infernaldreams 7/15/04 4:12 PM
haha i know its disgusting! i told one of my friends this, and the next morning she had cereal and she remembered what i told her and she didnt eat it! haha

Sleep 7/15/04 4:38 PM
"how can it contain rocket fuel?" That was a sarcastic comment he made essentially saying who cares, the pus content is likely very low. "what did they do to the cow?" See more on the www.milksucks.com website, it is mainly from infections on the cow (infected udders are very common because of the large amount of forced pregnancies). "if milk conatins pus, we all drank pus when we were breast feeding?" No, because the pus in cow's milk gets into the milk via machinery and infected udders, things that do not happen with human milk from your mom. "Actually, the pus isn't in the milk. Most milk is pasteurized, so the pus is removed from the milk." The pus is not removed by pasteurising. The pasteurising process involves no filtering, it merely involves heating the milk. It does not remove the pus.

xsweetnviciousx 7/15/04 5:42 PM
yea i know its really gross

angelpiggie 7/15/04 6:42 PM
eww that is gross but i have to drink it because i have a health problem and im supposed to be eating meat but i refuse.

PETAFD 7/15/04 7:01 PM
My question is, how can you believe that fictitious crap? There is no pus in milk, it is not a scientific fact nor is it a fact given out by the FDA. This outrageous lie is something given to prove that PETA can control its members without much work. http://www.fda.gov/default.htm Get the real facts. Anyone who believes there is pus in milk needs to be reeducated.
Rikkon 7/15/04 7:02 PM
Well ya dont gotta take it as steeling milk form babies its a loan people need to survive 2 its called symbiosis if a careing enviroment humans and animals pretty much can share i work at a wheat farm and it feeds the animals and in return we take sum of their milk its all fair safe place good food sum people eat veggie dogs and its made of lips and other parts of animals but you dont kno taht not even tofus safe
kre8ive_kid56 7/15/04 7:03 PM
woah i nvr knew that
Tyrannicide 7/15/04 7:05 PM
Pfft. Ok, milk has such a small amount of puss, that you would have to drink like 5 2liter bottles a day for 50 years to get a tumor and Im pretty sure no one can drink that much milk. If its so bad, why ahsn't all these old people die from drinking milk, there like 80 and milk helps your bones. No milk will cause you to have bad bones in the future, think about that. Your chances of getting a tumor from milk is way to low, your all giving up on your bones over a chance you might die from a tumor, think about that. Your all going to die someday anyways, no matter what you eat and drink! Those milk supplement drinks and pills dont work, so your not drinking or eating anything that will sufficiently help your bones. At the rate your going you will break your hip or arms easily in 20-30 years and it wont heal properly...because....guess what, no milk that ahs the nutrients and stuff to rebuild your bone structure. Anotehr fact, your whole skeleton rebuilds itself every two years, not enough milk will cause you too have weak bones and your skeletol system to rebuild at such a slow pace its unimaginable. Your hurting your self way to much. Love milk, drink milk, live by the milk, you need it!

Lord Fluffikins 7/15/04 7:22 PM
oh man..now i can't drink milk..i wasn't vegan..now i;m really debating..ick

How can you buy into PETA crap?
Posted By Date/Time
PETAFD 7/15/04 7:14 PM
Seriously, many of you believe the propaganda of PETA. 1) PETA claims Jesus was a vegetarian...it wouldn't work out because of this: at Passover and other big events, they would have fish and other meats. Also, Jesus did give the multitudes fish. It's not symbolic as jesusveg.com claims. 2) pus in milk: sorry...but there is none, the FDA wouldn't allow it 3) animals are treated horribly! "OH TEH NOEZ, TEH CHICKENS AND COWS ARE TREATED HORRIBLY!" That's utter crap. It's an atrocious moronic lie that many will buy into. The animals are treated very well, I know because I have visited slaughterhouses, etc. They were treated very well. The animals are killed very painlessly, a little gun shoots a bolt into their heads and it is a quick death. I know many of you will think I'm lying, but I'm not. PETA has funded many propaganda and they know they have your minds. They don't care about you or our animals as they claim.
PETAFD 7/15/04 7:22 PM
Also, how is it any of you could condone actions done by ALF/ELF (like burning down scientific buildings) that tries animal testing? It's too hard to fathom! They also go into people's homes and steal their animals and they put grafiti on public buildings, costing hundreds of dollars to get rid of the grafiti. Also, throwing paint on people wearing fur is very childish...
Jersey 7/15/04 7:28 PM
The FDA allows 3 magets to a can of food, why not allow pus?
PETAFD 7/15/04 7:30 PM
That's not true dude :/ The maggots get into the cans because of the place it's housed.
PETAFD 7/15/04 7:33 PM
I'd also like to mention you have no proof of that as well.
LaurLa622 7/15/04 7:38 PM
in slaughterhouses, often the gun misses the correct spot on the head to knock the animal out or it's set at too low a voltage, and rather than trying again, then animals are moved along to be stuck and bled while alive and conscious because the lines move too quickly. not just that, but workers often abuse use of electric prods on the animals before they are killed. as far as your other statement, i do not condone actions such as burning down buildings or stealing or grafiti, and i agree that throwing paint on people is stupid, so not everybody associated with PETA has anything to do with those types of actions. as far as pus being in milk - it doesnt affect me very much because i am vegetarian not vegan, and pretty much any food produced in a factory whether its cows milk or soymilk WILL somehow contain something nasty in it, but as long as it doesnt affect the taste or my health, i can deal with it. i think that people should stop using pus as one of their main reasons for not drinking milk or other dairy because it is not that significant in my opinion, considering whatever fake meats, cheeses, or soymilk they're consuming has just as much hidden nasty stuff in it, whether they acknowlege it or not.
PETAFD 7/15/04 7:42 PM
Just a note, I wasn't saying all PETA members are the way I mentioned. But in slaughterhouses, they usually don't miss, not from what I've seen. But there are probably some slaughterhouses that do have many misses. But we treat the animals much more humanely than we did in previous time periods (oh-ho-ho! PETA thinks it's bad now? Check out the early 1900's and any time period prior)
Stray 7/15/04 7:43 PM
"hidden nasty stuff" lol! Well considering it's not going to be anything from an animal, like pus, I think we're in the clear. I mean, what could there really be in these items? All of the "nasty" stuff comes from the poor conditions the animals exist in, that makes it's way into your food. Like, how there's always a little "poop" in a package of chicken, as the 'chew on this vid' puts it. So our food and drinks can't compare to your pus and fecal matter.
PETAFD 7/15/04 7:48 PM
Ok, there would not be any poop in a bag of chicken...that "chew on this vid" is giving you bottles of lies. If you believe them, you're drinking the bottles eagerly.
LaurLa622 7/15/04 7:52 PM
sorry to be defending to non-vegs, but regardless of whether there is poop or not in chicken, before people eat it, they wash the raw meat and then cook it. i doubt they're actually eating poop, if there happens to be any in the package.
emilyw 7/15/04 7:58 PM
Ok first of all the govt is full of shit and all they do is lie, and the FDA is no exception. Theyre not going to say anything or admit to things being in meat because it would cause a nationwide panic and the meat industry would be a goner. Read testimonies of people who have ACTUALLY worked in slaughterhouses and factories, and they will tell you themselves that their supervisors told them to leave that piece of diseased chicken on and let it go through. And animals are treated horribly when they are kept in cramped cages with no room to move in and not cared for. Of course if you visit a slaughterhouse they are going to put on a front and act differently when people are actually around and observing. They don't show you what really goes on. If nothing bad goes on there, why are there so many people who stop working at slaughterhouses and factories and warn everyone of their dangers? There's too much proof, and you will NEVER EVER change my opinion on that ok?

Stray 7/15/04 7:59 PM
I've actually seen a lot of people just cook chicken as is, which is not the point anyway. The point is that it's in there, regardless of what happens to it in the cleaning/cooking period. Soy and Tofu products will never have things as disgusting as these. It's just showing how disgusting the meat industry is. Before and after the meat goes out.

LaurLa622 7/15/04 7:59 PM
PETAFD, i really think you should read the book Slaughterhouse by Gail Eisneitz. you might find it interesting!
LaurLa622 7/15/04 8:01 PM
ok stray, as long as you realize that all factories are pretty dirty, and just because something doesnt contain an animal product doesnt mean its completely sanitary. but hey, as long as it wont kill ya, i guess its no big deal.

ProtectPinkOinkers 7/15/04 8:04 PM
Regardless of whether there's poop in chicken or whether people are consuming, w/e I do believe that many many people would rather just believe something not to be true for the simple fact that it's easier to think so. It's easier to believe that something is the way you want it to be, than to believe that it is not. That said. PETAFD you can't possibly have visisted all the many slaughterhouses there are, or even enough really to make a significant statement that the majority of slaughterhouses treat the animals "well". I think its hardly relevant to say that a place where thousands of animals are being murdered treats these animals "well". It's been said, and I believe it to be true, that animal mistreatment in slaughterhouses is the norm, not the exception. Some people would rather not believe so because it's just not pleasant. You say you've visited slaughterhouses, but many many people involved in the AR movement have also visited slaghterhouses, seperate slaughter houses all over the country and the world. So, with that said, I'm sure all the animal rights activists have visited more slaughterhouses than you yourself have, they've seen, recorded, and documented the sorts of things that go on in these slaughterhouses and have proof that animals are being mistreated. As for the milk/fda/whatever comment, basically a lot of people in this orld are just out to make money, no matter what. Period.

PETAFD 7/15/04 8:06 PM
The gov't lies, but the Food and Drug Administration can't afford to lie. Trust me, there's no poop in chicken >.< Wasn't Gail Eisneitz a vegan who just hated slaughterhouses? And wasn't it a book from the early 20th century?
ProtectPinkOinkers 7/15/04 8:06 PM
world* and i meant to add on to that that the FDA and government lay right into that.

ProtectPinkOinkers 7/15/04 8:07 PM
The FDA most probably does lie, most agencies do, and I think it would be naive to think that they can't "afford" to lie.

Stray 7/15/04 8:09 PM
Uh...LauraLa, you do know that I'm a peta member and vegetarian right? I'm not supporting anything done in the slaughter industry, I know how dirty it is, which is why I commented on whether or not people cook the chicken, it was still dirty.
LaurLa622 7/15/04 8:10 PM
gail eisneitz wasnt a vegan who just hated slaughterhouses. she investigated slaughterhouses. no the book was not written in the early twentieth century. you're probably getting confused with the muckrakers of the Progressive Movement (early twentieth century) who helped pass the Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food and Drugs Act. just try reading the book, dude.

LaurLa622 7/15/04 8:12 PM
no stray, i know that you support PETA. what i'm saying is that ALL factories are dirty. not just factories that deal with meat and animal products. even the factories that produce soymilk and vegan products can be unsanitary!
PETAFD 7/15/04 8:19 PM
I'd like to know when Gail wrote this book. Also, the FDA won't lie. If you claim all (or most) agencies lie, then you have to factor in PETA. Also, I didn't say I went to every single slaughterhouses, etc. I've lived in three different states and I've been to the slaughterhouses in all three. I have not seen that many slip-ups when they killed the animal with the bolt gun.
LaurLa622 7/15/04 8:20 PM
PETAFD 7/15/04 8:21 PM

LaurLa622 7/15/04 8:22 PM
no prob. i suggest you read it
PETAFD 7/15/04 8:23 PM
I looked it up and got no results :/
LaurLa622 7/15/04 8:26 PM
i'm sure your local library has it. if not, bookstores such as barnes and noble or borders will def have it. o yeah, i mispelled her last name. its Gail Eisnitz

DO you eat bugs? no? are you sure..
Posted By Date/Time
Jersey 7/15/04 7:29 PM
Did you know that the FDA allows up to 3 magets per can of canned food! WHat if those magets mate and multiply and you eat one by accident? Carful with your canned stuff!!

stinkytofu 7/15/04 7:33 PM
Maggots are larva of certain insects. They are incapable of mating and producing offspring. Worms on the other hand....

PETAFD 7/15/04 7:35 PM
Good point, styinkytofu!

2004-07-16, 08:41 AM
I'm guessing the PETA have nothing better to do?

Count me in, I've read some of thier stuff and its pretty riddicolous. I mean, how can you beat BBQ'ed Jack Russell?

2004-07-20, 05:14 PM
We will be commencing the next raid Friday.

reiterating contact info:

yahoo: kagom_jack
AIM: kingkagomjack
msn: kagom_jack@yahoo.com

2004-07-20, 06:04 PM
No one cares about your little "raids" that accomplish absolutly nothing.

2004-07-20, 06:13 PM
No one cares about your little "raids" that accomplish absolutly nothing.
You know, if you don't care so much, you shouldn't bother posting in this thread.

2004-07-21, 12:41 AM
platnum, raids are a fun way to piss off retarded organizations that try to silence your point of views because they know you are right.

2004-07-21, 01:10 AM
exactly wut sov and i actually think that u accomplish something...pissing off gay people