View Full Version : NRDC: The Bush Record.

2004-04-22, 12:30 PM
Natural Resources Defence Council: The Bush Record. (http://www.nrdc.org/bushrecord/default.asp)

Okay...Politics are not my forte...and normally I try to stay away from it, mainly because it's far over my head most of the time. But damn...

Apparently all of this is true. From wanting to allow Nuclear Waste to be recycled into scrap metal to the Bush Administration blaming wildfires on enviromentalists. Here's a sample:


White House altered scientific findings on mercury threat
April 07, 2004: Hundreds of pages of internal government documents and email messages show that White House staffers played down the effects of mercury while working with Environmental Protection Agency officials to write regulations for coal-fired power plants. It appears that the White House Office of Management and Budget and the Council on Environmental Quality altered some of the EPA's language in developing the Bush administration's new mercury pollution proposals. Critics, who attacked the administration's plan as too weak, say the White House's subtle changes made the facts on mercury misleading.

Many scientists, environmentalists and politicians are outraged that the White House tweaked the scientific information to minimize the threat of mercury exposure. Examples of the changes include crossing out the word "confirmed" in the phrase "confirmed public health risk," and changing "are at an increased health risk" to "may be at an increased health risk." In several cases, the edits toned down the link between power plants and elevated levels of methylmercury in fish, despite the fact that power plan pollution is the largest unregulated source of mercury air pollution. In fact, high mercury levels prompted fish safety warnings in more than 44 states over the past year.

Under the Clinton administration, the EPA recommended that mercury from power plants be strictly regulated under the Clean Air Act's requirements for hazardous air pollutants. However, the Bush administration reversed course last December, much to the delight of coal and utility lobbyists. Recently, 10 state attorneys general and 45 U.S. senators spoke out against the EPA's pollution plan, urging the agency to scrap its proposals and adopt more protective mercury requirements.

"Mercury pollution is a serious health threat to Americans, especially children," said NRDC staff attorney Jon Devine. "That's who the Bush administration should keep in mind when developing its mercury policies, not the polluters that stand to benefit from weaker regulations."


I guess all I really have left to say is...

Vote for Bush in 2004! He's good for the enviroment!
...Like a pile of Nuclear Waste in the middle of the Rain Forest!

Hell yeah!

2004-04-22, 03:49 PM
Wow i hate politics, and i hate the fact that people keep posting shit about them...ESPECIALLY IN WRONG FORUMS.

Moved to general convo.......

2004-04-22, 08:25 PM
i wouldnt trust anything any environmentalist group says, does, or anything that is associated with them, because they dont know shit.... they set fire to hummers and fuck up the environment worse than the hummers would have.

they dont know anything, not even what they set their lives to defending.