View Full Version : Best Final Fantasy Heroine

2003-12-14, 08:10 AM
We either loved them or hated them...this is your chance to pick the best from the rest! Would sticks or overgrown pinwheels rule? You DECIDE~~~!!! Your beloved Final Fantasy Heroines...please take a bow!

And Pharaoh Yami waves his magic stick! Who wins?! BTW vote only for ONE Heroine. (image from

2003-12-14, 10:03 AM
I voted, but why didn't you include Terra from FF6? I'm sure she could kick some of the other girls' ass.

2003-12-14, 10:04 AM
Yes and there's plenty of others you left out, this poll sucks, I didn't even vote.

2003-12-14, 04:36 PM
also, don't forget Rosa, Reina (Lenna FF 5), Sarah (FF 3), Maria (FF 2), and Sarah (FF1)

2003-12-14, 04:48 PM

2003-12-14, 04:54 PM
This list is not complete. So I will not vote. Not until there is Porom.

2003-12-14, 04:58 PM
Paine and Rikku as well. Who can forget Eiko?

2003-12-14, 05:02 PM
Eiko was as annoying as Relm.

2003-12-14, 05:02 PM
Eiko own all...

2003-12-14, 05:06 PM
Wasn't Amarant a girl?

2003-12-14, 05:07 PM
Don't forget all of the female moogles.

2003-12-14, 05:09 PM
And Beatrice(sp)?

2003-12-14, 05:10 PM
No Amarant was a man with a big hair issue.

2003-12-14, 05:14 PM
*shrug* Oh well. Anyway, there was...Aah...That woman who dressed like a man in one of the earlier FF's...

2003-12-14, 05:45 PM

2003-12-15, 03:49 AM
I should've also included the subtitle FF heroines from VII to X ONLY. And I was talking about the MAIN heroines (aka the main love interests whatever), not supporting characters.

2003-12-15, 04:37 AM
Frankly, Garnet is the only good pick of the bunch. Aeris was a flirty schoolgirl, Rinoa was bland and Yuna was aggrivating. Garnet was the only one that had depth to her character besides the love story between herself and the hero.

Aeris: 95% of her purpose in the game was to create a love-triangle between herself, Cloud and Tifa. The other 5% was the whole "summoning Holy" thing.

Rinoa: absolutely no reason for being in the game besides the love story with Squall.

Yuna: she can summon things. And exactly how useful did that turn out to be in the overall plot of the game? If I remember correctly, her whole "quest" was a sham, wasn't it? Yeah, she was only there for Tidus to swoon over.

Garnet wins.

Rurouni Storm
2003-12-15, 09:12 AM

2003-12-15, 11:05 AM

Or Terra. Both were hella powerful.

2003-12-16, 08:52 AM
Stupid question. How can I post pics up with my posts?! Sorry. You can hit me now.

Kuja`s #1
2003-12-16, 10:02 AM


2003-12-17, 07:16 AM
Took me long enough, but anyway, here they are!


Royal Princess of Alexandria. She's 16, strong-willed, and an all-around true Princess with a heart. A very powerful healer and summoner, uses the abilities of Eidolons in her Trance mode!

OCCUPATION: White Mage/Summoner
TRANCE: Eidolon (Ramuh, Shiva, Ifrit, Leviathan, Bahamut, Odin, Ark, Atomos)
(Source: Final Fantasy Extreme (http://www.ffextreme.com))
(Image: From Misunderstood)


Humble flower girl from Midgar. She's 22, and an all-around strong magic caster and summoner. Summons Holy and saves the entire Planet's ass.

OCCUPATION: Flower girl/ last surviving Cetra
LIMIT BREAKS: Healing Wind, Seal Evil, Breath of the Earth, Fury Brand, Planet Protector, Pulse of Life, Great Gospel
(Source: Final Fantasy Extreme (http://www.ffextreme.com))
(Image: From Creative Uncut)


Princess of the Forest Owls. She's 17, with a kind heart and very quick mouth. She has no problems whatsoever in telling people how she feels about things. She's just plain EVIL.

OCCUPATION: (Spoiled) Princess of the Forest Owls/flirtbird sorceress
LIMIT BREAKS: Combine (Angelo Rush, Angelo Cannon, Invincible Moon, Wishing Star, Angelo Strike, Angelo Recover, Angelo Reverse); Angel Wing (berserk sorceress with 5X the usual damage)
(Source: Final Fantasy Online (http://www.ffonline.com))
(Image: From Girl Next Door [the SITE, not the MAG!))


Daughter of Summoner Braska, a summoner herself. She's 17, and she is on a pilgrimage to gather all Aeons for the final showdown with Sin. Among all heroines of the page, she looks the most Asian (ditch the kimono outfit, but yeah, it helps a lot for her Asian image).

OVERDRIVE: Grand Summon (Ixion, Ifrit, Valefor, Shiva, Bahamut, Yojimbo, Anima, Magus Sisters)
(Source: Final Fantasy Online (http://www.ffonline.com))
(Image: From Corners of the Heart)

(All images owned by their respective owners, unless otherwise noted)

2003-12-17, 11:08 AM
I see three red x's. Very pretty, are they.

2003-12-18, 06:49 PM
yeah, what happened to teh pics?

2003-12-21, 03:57 PM
I'll edit the post again. No matter what I try, those X's always show up. ***~____________^;;

2003-12-21, 04:26 PM
now there are two X's. Yuna and Garnet show up though.

2003-12-21, 05:14 PM
Only 1 X (Aeris)

2003-12-21, 06:38 PM

2003-12-21, 07:25 PM
Yeah, that's all fine and dandy, but why aren't any other female characters? Maybe the title of the thread should have been "Best Final Fantasy Female Love Interest"?

Btw, Aerith is still a tiny red little x for me. :x

2003-12-22, 07:00 AM
I'll start another thread on that one. Thanks for the idea.

The Aerith pic was just fine this morning. Now, I have this huge blank box with a small red x on the upper left corner. I guess it's one of them server days...

2003-12-22, 07:02 AM
Well the pic is fine for me.

Kuja`s #1
2003-12-22, 04:54 PM
That pic of Rinoa sucks. You make her look....dirty kind of, the way she is sorta bent.

2003-12-22, 08:45 PM

Princess of the Forest Owls. She's 17, with a kind heart and very quick mouth. She has no problems whatsoever in telling people how she feels about things. She's just plain EVIL.

OCCUPATION: (Spoiled) Princess of the Forest Owls/flirtbird sorceress
LIMIT BREAKS: Combine (Angelo Rush, Angelo Cannon, Invincible Moon, Wishing Star, Angelo Strike, Angelo Recover, Angelo Reverse); Angel Wing (berserk sorceress with 5X the usual damage)
(Source: Final Fantasy Online (http://www.ffonline.com))
(Image: From Girl Next Door [the SITE, not the MAG!))
(All images owned by their respective owners, unless otherwise noted)

you just hate her, don't you?

Another FF heroine: all females on the FF XI MMORPG

Kuja`s #1
2003-12-23, 06:13 PM
I like the new Rikku, Yuna and Paine isn't that bad either. Which one of them is the heroine?

2003-12-24, 06:22 AM
Can't blame me, Kagom, she's just that for me.

I think Yuna's the heroine...O____O;;


2003-12-24, 06:26 AM
Can't blame me Kagom, she just is for me.

I think Yuna's the heroine. O____O;;


(Pic from Yugioh YAmi Bakura Battle City)

Rurouni Storm
2003-12-24, 07:21 AM
Cerridwen, please stop spamming the Yugioh pics or I'll have to start deleting them without warning.

Kuja`s #1
2003-12-24, 08:19 AM
Yuna is hot in her dance dress and in Gunner. So badass....

Does anyone know if that was the same woman who does Yuna's voice, that sang at the beginning? You know how they do that in some games switch the person who does the voice if the occassion calls for it.

Rurouni Storm
2003-12-24, 11:46 PM
Yuna is hot in her dance dress and in Gunner. So badass....

And even Alchemist.

Does anyone know if that was the same woman who does Yuna's voice, that sang at the beginning? You know how they do that in some games switch the person who does the voice if the occassion calls for it.

It's not. And it's also not Leblanc's VA.

2003-12-25, 03:48 AM
Sorry about that Rurouni. I promise from now on I won't...

The voice actress for Yuna in her in-game dialogue's different from her singing voice. The singing voice was done by a J-pop artist Kumi Koda.

2003-12-25, 12:59 PM
I nearly got FFX-2 for Christmas. :( But the damn sales clerk told my dad that he shouldn't get it if I've never played FFX, which I have (however little). So now I don't have it, and I want to play it, cause now I have a shiney new PS2.

*basks in it's ever-lasting glory*

Btw Cerridwen, why not just make a thread dedicated to Yu-Gi-Oh?

2003-12-27, 06:43 PM
I don't think it'd be applicable to here, besides, somebody suggested an anime thread over at Zelaron Melee and nothing came out of it.

But why? The FFX2 story's different from FFX, although there are still some things about X2's story that tells of some things over at X. Maybe the sales clerk just wants you to not feel frustrated, angry, or something (there are some spoilers...?). And what the hell does he care anyway, you wanna buy it, you're the customer. He can't tell you what not or what to buy.

Hey, it's a close race between Aerith and Garnet! :D HAPPY~~~!!!

2003-12-27, 07:19 PM
Or maybe the sales clerk is slightly touched in the head?

Anyway, on topic. I pick Yuna, for lack of someone better to pick.

Kuja`s #1
2003-12-27, 07:41 PM
That poll sucks.

2003-12-28, 06:41 AM
@ Kuja's #1
Why, you wanted Tifa? If she WAS the heroine, why doesn't she show up in other games, like Aerith does? And among these fabulous heroines, 2 get to be incarnated as themselves/or sort of themselves in other games.

FF Tactics
Kingdom Hearts


Besides, I'm not forcing you to vote on the poll, so if you don't want the "menu", then don't vote.

Why the heck does Rinoa still keep her mother's maiden name, even though she's the daughter of General Caraway? Can somebody please EXPLAIN?

Rurouni Storm
2003-12-28, 07:32 AM
Why the heck does Rinoa still keep her mother's maiden name, even though she's the daughter of General Caraway? Can somebody please EXPLAIN?

I'm guessing it has to do with her work with the Forest Owls. If she's using her mother's name, some might not recognise the connection.

That and she doesn't get along with her father very well.

2003-12-30, 01:23 AM
i think squall is the best.....

2003-12-30, 02:57 AM
Yes, Squall is most definately the best female heroine.

It amazes me how stupid people can be.

Kuja`s #1
2003-12-31, 11:39 PM
Rinoa had a point in the story Raziel. It is supposed to represent that love can never be trully broken. The daughter of his first love fell in love with the son of his second love. Trully touching.

2004-01-01, 03:36 PM
Wow. That fact...I've always known it, but I've never put it together.

...Laguna is such a man-whore.

But yeah, Rinoa had a major part in the game. Heiress to the powers of Adel, and such. And she's the one that brought Squall back at the ending. As much as I hate her in that game, the ending to FFVIII kicked ass.

Kuja`s #1
2004-01-03, 01:46 PM
Why is Aeris in more games than Tifa? I do not know. Because the disturbed and highly retarded public seems to like her more. Aeris died! SHE IS NOT A HEROINE! THERE WAS TWO DISKS MORE OF THE GAME AFTER SHE DIED!!!!!

2004-01-08, 07:22 AM
The mere fact that she was put in other games attests to her character's charisma, which "certain" other characters are lacking.

I don't really like the "true-love-conquers-all" theme of FFVIII that the heroine has to chase the hero all around the game to get him to realize that DAMN he has fallen in love with her. I still don't KNOW how the feather got in THERE. XP

I agree with your thoughts on that one, Rurouni, but another question arises: why the heck has Squall used his mother's maiden name when Raine's tombstone in the ending clearly stated "RAINE LOIRE"?

Oh, and Kagom, it's a known fact that I absolutely abhor Rinoa, but it didn't mean that I pasted that hideous picture on this thread to spite you. It's because all other good CG pics I found about her all turn into little red X's when I try to post it, and that pic was the only one which didn't.

Rurouni Storm
2004-01-08, 09:48 AM
I agree with your thoughts on that one, Rurouni, but another question arises: why the heck has Squall used his mother's maiden name when Raine's tombstone in the ending clearly stated "RAINE LOIRE"?

Good question, but I wonder if someone at the orphanage renamed him?

2004-01-08, 10:17 AM
Well, he didn't know his parents right? So maybe, Elione gave him Raine's last name?

2004-01-09, 08:12 AM
Maybe Raine doesn't want Laguna to know he had a son by her, so she had Squall retain her maiden name...? OO;; But....WHY? See, even Laguna was surprised. Uh...OK, mildly surprised.

2004-01-09, 09:59 AM
Well Raine died shortly after giving birth to him right?

2004-01-13, 06:59 AM
That could be it. Still, she carried Laguna's surname. They WERE married.

Anyway back on topic. Aerith = 3 votes, Rinoa = 1, Garnet = 4, Yuna = 2. Why oh why should they deserve to be the best heroine...? All my posts relating to their skills and what-nots are just my humble opinions...I want to know what you guys think. And why "Heroine A" is better than "Heroine B."

2004-01-13, 07:20 AM
I already explained my opinions in detail. Garnet was the only one of the four that served an actual purpose in her game's story besides being the love interest for the hero.

Aeris - Her entire purpose was to soften Cloud's heart and to summon Holy. Beyond those two things, her character didn't evolve or expand at all.

Rinoa - Her entire purpose was to soften Squall's heart and to become Edea's replacement as the Sorceress. However, her transformation into the sorceress did little to alter the course of the story overall, considering Squall and the rest of the party treated her as though nothing had happened at all.

Yuna - Her entire purpose was for Tidus to obsess over her. In the end, her entire quest turned out to be a sham, so her necessity to the story was nullified.

Garnet, on the other hand, served as a character that evolved and expanded much more than any of the others did. She went from being a snotty brat to being a self-sufficient leader over the course of the epic. Her purpose in the story was actually more pivotal and emotional than Zidane's throughout the majority of the quest. She had value and importance out the wahoo, whereas the others were sorely lacking.

Kuja`s #1
2004-01-13, 09:56 AM
They were married. But for how long? She might've already been pregnent.

Who says they got married. She might've died be4 the wedding.

Here are my thoughts on each of the listed heroins.

Rinoa: Represents the "love wins all" them of FFVIII.

Aeris: Represents a highly retarded world of dumbases.(not the Ancients, the people who like her over Tifa(

Garnet: The strongest out of all the characters. She represented overcoming the need to rely on others.

Yuna: Well, her quest being a sham is the whole point of the game. Or, maybe a major point of the game anyway.

Tifa: A friend of Cloud's. She wanted to aid her :love: so she helped him.

2004-01-15, 06:16 AM
Um...I was referring to the others who posted here but not yet fully explained their thoughts on them, Raziel.

As for Raine getting pregnant before the wedding, Kuja's, it's not that hard to imagine, but she was Raine LOIRE as engraved or whatever in the tombstone. I really think she doesn't want Laguna to know about Squall.

2004-01-15, 06:22 AM
Bah. I need my vote to be changed from Yuna to Garnet. I just recently started playing FFIX again. I forgot how much I actually did like Garnet.

Although she's naive in the beginning of the game, she is still rather intelligent. Also, she does have leadership qualities. I like her personality, in the sense that all she want's to do is to be recognized as more than just a princess. She wanted people to see her as an actual person, rather than just a title, or a status symbol.

Personality wise, she's a lot more rounded than the other three girls.

Kuja`s #1
2004-01-16, 07:09 AM
Well, he rushed off to save Elione. She gave birth to Squall while he was gone. She couldn't very well tell him if he was MILES away and she was neardeath.

And about the tombstone, do you find that in Winhill or whatever? I didn't do that whole sideqest. I knew somethings about it, but the tombstone I was unaware.

Rurouni Storm
2004-01-16, 08:44 PM
I don't think you can actually find the tombstone. It's just shown in the ending vid.