View Full Version : How do you kill a phoenix?

2002-12-21, 09:31 PM
Well how? If they are reborn after they die, how do you kill a phoenix for good?

2002-12-21, 09:32 PM
eat it

2002-12-21, 09:39 PM
Feed it a ton of beans, then when it farts it'll explode.

2002-12-21, 10:01 PM
But after a phoenix dies, it turns to ashes, and is reborn from the ashes. If it exploded it would just come back, and if you ate it, you'd just have severe heart burn.

2002-12-21, 10:18 PM
Just put it in a box with tons of lasers with a neverending power source to keep it from doing anythig it'll just keep dying

2002-12-21, 10:20 PM
throw it's ashes into the ocean

2002-12-21, 11:51 PM
separate the ashes into 4 parts, or would it then become 4 mini phoenix's?
or you could just eat it, and then take some pepcid ac or TUMS ;)

2002-12-22, 08:52 AM
Hahaha who has the AYB in their sig.

2002-12-22, 12:20 PM
thats KA
last night it didnt show up, was just the sound so i was like "wtf"

2002-12-22, 12:23 PM
Actually last night I had it where you couldn't see it, but I decided to put it in there in a little square.

2002-12-22, 12:27 PM
Perhaps you throw he phoenix in the ocean... then the ashes sink and every time it is reborn it die instantly again.

2002-12-22, 01:30 PM
I think they only come back to life if they are able to burn themselves up, so if you stabbed it to death it wouldn't immolate and therefore not be reborn.

2002-12-22, 02:26 PM
make a nuclear explosion on top of it so the ashes desintegrate.

Rurouni Storm
2002-12-22, 05:16 PM
Xenn has it. Every 500/1000 years (depending on the legend), the Phoenix commits suicide by throwing itself into a pit of flames. It is reborn shortly afterwards.

2002-12-22, 05:21 PM
Harry Potter is for little girls and losers. The only reason I know that's where you got it is because my little sister forced me to watch it. She was crying because she didnt want to go alone.
Although about killing him...
I dont think you can, send him to live in the sun protecting a powerful item and he wont bother you again.
(Pheonix Saga from the old X-Men eps ruled)

2002-12-22, 06:47 PM
dude what the fuck you are dumb. apparently you dont play any good rpg games do you? have you ever heard of final fantasy or anything? phoenix downs and the phoenix summon. they revive you, and the phoenix revives your entire party and does a fire spell to the enemy.

now please, if you dont know what the fuck you are talkin about, dont even post.

2002-12-22, 07:27 PM
sorry but if you watch harry potter, you will become gay, No exceptions, Case Closed, Shush! Harry potter is so gay =[

Boys on Broomsticks ..........!

2002-12-22, 07:54 PM
pour liquid nitrogen onto the damned phoenix

Strider Fury
2002-12-22, 08:16 PM

2002-12-23, 09:31 AM
well see now whatcha do is. . . . .

1. beg your mom for 30 dollars

2. run your ass to targets/kmarts**(only if your desperate)

3. by the SuperSoaker 3500 *Tm*

4. run back home fill the gun up with water*(tell your mom your going to pull party etc.etc)

5. run over to phoenix*(eh......dont ask for directions kthx)

6. pump the gun up real-real fast, till the gauge is high and it hurts your arms to pump it*(eh your comp people know what i mean by pumping the gun ;P)

7. aim at the phoenix

8.press and hold onto the trigger

9. wait for the fiery beast of god to fall to the ground

10. rince&repeat for killing those pesky demons of heaven/hell

11. go down to McDonalds *Tm*

12.order a double cheeseburger

13. go home pump the gun to denise richard *Tm* pictures

14. if your a women or a dumbass or a loser skip number 14 kthnx

15. tell that hot peice at school your Sutter the beast slayer

16. keep telling the girl *(oops dont wanna call a peice by a real title)

18. damn forgot 17

17. act like your her friend

19. get laid *Tm* (or get a bj'er)

20. whoopie fucking doo
look what you've done you've saved the world, wacked, AND got laid by a women, a REAL PEICE!! *

if you didn't do what i said..
looks like it'll be just you and hAngela tonight ;)

2002-12-23, 09:40 AM
14. if your a women or a dumbass or a loser skip number 14 kthnx

2002-12-23, 11:05 AM
Im surprised at the recent surge of testosterone in here.

2002-12-23, 11:48 AM
Welcome to our newest member, TestosteroneSurge.

2002-12-23, 12:55 PM
now please, if you dont know what the fuck you are talkin about, dont even post.
Why not? It seems to work for you.
And yes I have played all of the FF series and beat them all (without cheats) and gotten all side quests on all of them.
However the question was how to kill one, and in those series the Pheonix did not play an active role, he revived your party member(s) yes, BUT, he did not fight, he took a passive approach to victory. Therefore if he did not fight then what's the use of wondering how to kill that pheonix in question?

2002-12-24, 11:19 AM

2002-12-24, 11:28 AM
Here's an idea: a phoenix isn't real, so you won't need to kill one. :eek:

2002-12-24, 11:59 AM
What a good idea!

2002-12-24, 12:03 PM
[V][asta]Here's an idea: a phoenix isn't real, so you won't need to kill one. :eek:

No I want too know how too kill a tooth fairy also! :p

you know just in case there is a murderous onslaught or something, You always need to be prepared....

2002-12-24, 12:54 PM
Welcome to our newest member, TestosteroneSurge.
